Chicken won't close her beak.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
I have an Easter egger hen that won't close her mouth for almost looks like panting. I saw it at lunch when I came home to give them water. She is staying away from the flock too and didn't run to greet me like the others.
I did see her poop, so I can assume that end is working. I have not seen her eat or drink...and poured fresh cold water and fresh bowls of hen pellets and scratch, both of which she usually attacks.
Any ideas?
Assuming it's been fairly hot in your area, she's probably hot. They will open their mouths as you described, and pant. Also, if she gets hot enough she'll probably begin to hold her wings out from her sides. I don't know of anything else that would cause her to do this.

I have a hen who I fed a sort of bran mash to last week. She seems to have trouble closing her beak now, and I was afraid it froze up with the cold and moisture. After bringing her inside and giving her warm water she still can't seem to pick up corn or even worms. I m hoping the bran isn't clogging up her beak! Any ideas?? Help!
I have a hen who I fed a sort of bran mash to last week. She seems to have trouble closing her beak now, and I was afraid it froze up with the cold and moisture. After bringing her inside and giving her warm water she still can't seem to pick up corn or even worms. I m hoping the bran isn't clogging up her beak! Any ideas?? Help!
Welcome to BYC. Can you have a look into her beak and throat with a flashlight to see if there is any yellow gunk or a foreign body inside her beak? Also look to see if her beak could be cracked. Are her nostrils clear?
Her nostrils are clear, but her tongue looks weird and she is moving it around alot.
I will look tonite to see about foreign bodies but I wonder if some of the bran could have frozen
in her mouth?
Trying to thaw with warm water... don't know how she could have hurt herself as she is in a run...
There can be fungal or protozoan infections that can affect the inside of the mouth and beak. Can you bring her inside while you are treating her where it is warmer? A picture of her tongue would be good. I would get someone to hold her and really probe inside her beak and look in with a light.

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