chickens & a bon fire smoke?


9 Years
May 12, 2010
Hudson, MA
we would like to use our firepit for a bon fire over the weekend. It is quite close to the chickens new coop & run. Will they be affected by the smoke from the fire? I could close up the vents but I'd be afraid that they would get too warm in their coop. What about using the woodstove in the winter time?? Does the smoke bother them?
I blow up a few hundred in fireworks every 4th along with having a bon fire the size of a 55 gallon drum if not larger... with a mortar going off right next to the coop one year, your girls should be just fine. I'm sure my lungs are worse off.
As long as the coop doesn't catch fire you should be okay. The trick is to keep the fire hot and it will smoke a lot less than a cool burning fire. I am thinking that if there is a lot of smoke vlowing right at the chickens then the birds could actually be gassed. It's not likely, but common sense isn't a bad idea when playing with fire. This is coming from a woman that has hunted moles with gallons of gasoline, and had the kids help light the holes. The camper that was used as a chicken coop is still the best bonfire I a ever seen, even the llamas were in awe. 2 days later all that was let was about 300lbs aluminum and miscellaneous stuff. Homeschooling at my house was a lot of fun.

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