Chickens and Affection

My 3 Easter Eggers have been the most affectionate of our girls. Opal was badly pecked back in June and is terrified of the other pullets...she stays on the roost or top of a hutch...never on the floor of the run. The day after we put them in the run, she flew to me from the roost and sat on my arm and rubbed her face on my chest and told me a really sad story. Ladyhawk is also low on the totem pole and gets picked on and often comes to tell me what they have done to her. She often gets on my lap or arm. DH was laughing this week when she suddenly landed on my arm and put her head on my shoulder like she was crying...all the while she was telling me her sad story.

Today one of the BR was on the arm of my chair talking to me...I could not quite tell what she was telling me but I 'think' she said she was the one who laid the small pale brown egg today!

The sex links are the alpha hens...they were the first babies and I think they assume they 'own' me...they will chase others away when they want my attention. When they were in the brooder they would fly up and land on my hand and 'talk' to me.

The BO's have been the hold-outs...they have never mixed with any of the other pullets and only tolerate me. SLW's were my buddies while in the in the run, I'm a monster....hoping once they start laying they become my friends!

DH was amazed when he finally began to spend time with the girls; he had no idea that chickens would show affection. They adore him...he is their hero/roo
When he was building the nest boxes...they were right there helping him. He was painting in the run last week...had lots of help and most of them had paint on their combs and feathers.
I believe Zee, show us her affection all the time. She will lay at our feet and compete with the dogs to see who gets closer. She will jump up into my hubbys lap to get her "Orange Crackers" then eat them all over his computer desk. She lays on my lap, puffs up and I swear snores...LOL In thier own little way, yeah they show affection.
I enjoyed watching the interaction among 5 of my older hens when I first introduced two 10 week old Cuckoo Marans and a Polish. 4 of them started to peck at them (as expected), but my barred rock hen (which happens to be my favorite) pushed the other hens out of the way to protect the younger ones, then as the younger ones tried to scratch and eat she jumped in demonstrating proper technique then letting them eat as she scratched. It didn't take too long before they all got along as the barred rock protected the younger ones. The scratching technique of the younger ones also improved markedly. At night the barred rock roosts with the younger ones as well.

This seems like affection to me. BTW, this barred rock follows me everywhere and squats for me as well. I hate to disappoint her, but can't help :/and we can't have a rooster!
My 6 month old flock races to meet me whenever I approach...I know they're only interested in the treats I bring them, but it still makes me feel happy to pretend they like me! Actually, since they were wee chicks, a couple of them (Aracauna and Rhodey) have been extra friendly/interested in me, even to the point of flying onto my shoulders and making chirping sounds to me while I'm working inside the run. My Bard Rocks are my alpha chickens and the most aggresive and noisy of the bunch; they peck at my red toenail polish like they're strawberries! Also, my rooster is an Aracuana and seems to like it when I pick him up and rub his comb. He nestles into my arms and gets very quiet. Sometimes he does his mating dance for me! Once he flew on top of my head...gotta say, it didn't feel too great on the old scalp!


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Haha! All of my chickens love me! I didn't know that some chickens DIDN'T love people
One of my rooster loved me so much that he would fly up to me and roost on my head. While he was up there he would crow saying 'She is MINE!'
Also, the two young chickens that I have, one hen one roo both the same age, come to me and lay down under my legs
So cute!
I'm certain that my chickens love me. I sit with them in the evenings and they sit on my lap and some snuggle against my neck. Its not just to be petted; they want to be with me. I don't feed them out of my hands, either. My roo sits on the back of my chair and makes little low, whistling noises in my ear. Its really cute; I feel the love...
Well, yes - my hens do see me as the rooster and squat (which I take as a personal compliment), but they also come and hop into my lap for a little feather scratching too. They are particularly "affectionate" right after laying an egg. But mostly, they know if they pester me that sooner or later treats will be forthcoming!
I don't want to sound hoity toity, but I want you to know my background before I give you my theory on this subject. My Master's degree is in Zoology, with an emphasis on animal behavior, and here are my two cents on the subject.

Mammals, including humans, have a chemical in our brains called Oxytosin. It is released during cuddling, sex, nursing, courting, falling in love, and other social interactions. This chemical makes us bond with others.

Birds have the ancestor to that chemical, mesotosin, and it is released in their brains during social interactions. This is what makes the birds want to be with their flock. The chemical must make them feel good, or they would avoid the behaviors that cause it. Since it is similar to our chemical that makes us so happy, I think we can assume that they are feeling the chicken equivilent of "happy". When they follow us, and want to be groomed by us, it is because they accept us as one of their flock. So, we probably cause the release of the happy chemicals.

I know my birds love me in their own little chicken version of love.

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