Cole Campbell
- Aug 22, 2019
- 50
- 22
- 58
I have a varied flock, about 18 chickens (3 are roosters, yes, I know, I have too many roosters.) and I have 3 ducks. We had 4, one passed away, so now I have two drakes and one hen (two Rouens and a Blue Swedish male) (I also know I have too many male ducks!). Our female Rouen has been disappearing entirely each day for about 3-5 days now, and we have searched frantically to no avail, just to have her show up at night time when I come to close the coop door. Well, I found her today, sitting broody on a nest of about 20 eggs (yes, TWENTY) a mix of duck and chicken eggs... I guess the hens were in on her game. I have to admit, she hid herself pretty well! Thankfully it was in an old stable area, so I was able to rig it up to be predator safe. However, tonight she did not return to the coop, and there she is sitting on all her and her sisters eggs. So, I need some advice. She’s only 7 months old, I was not expecting any of them to go broody (we got them all early this spring.) I am worried about her motherly talents. I’ve read about ducks not being the best of brooders anyways and that a lot of people try to get a broody chicken to help her out on her shortcomings. However, I don’t know if my hens are ready to be broody yet! Should I remove the eggs and try to incubate them? Should I just let nature take its course? I’m at a loss for what to do, and I don’t want to end up with a lot of dead chicks and ducklings on my hands. Or a lot of rotten eggs. Should I stop removing the hen eggs and see if I can get one of them to brood? I’m not worried about egg production at the moment, so broody hens aren’t a concern for me.
Help! Does anyone have any experiences similar to this?
Help! Does anyone have any experiences similar to this?