Chickens comb turning black but seems healthy?


In the Brooder
Jun 21, 2020
Hi there everyone, i have noticed for a while one of my hens comb and wattles seems to be turning black which has me a little worried as i would have thought it should be a bright red, besides that she is completely healthy (normal laying, active, good appetite) I have tried looking up what it could be but nothing seems to match the description here’s an image of what it looks like. if anyone has any idea what this could be please help!


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I can not give a definite answer. I do have a young phoenix cockerel who has a similar comb, but his comb has always been blackish. If I hadn't raised him from my own stock I'd think he were part silkie or other black skinned breed.
I can’t say for sure, but it might be a slight injury from rubbing or running into some wire fencing. But since it is also on the wattles and earlobes, it might be splotchy breed coloring from genetics.
I can’t say for sure, but it might be a slight injury from rubbing or running into some wire fencing. But since it is also on the wattles and earlobes, it might be splotchy breed coloring from genetics.
I think your right! I think it’s from genetics now you mention it! I wasn’t sure if it was possible for it to be part of the breed as I’ve never seen this on any other chicken breeds thank you for responding!
I can not give a definite answer. I do have a young phoenix cockerel who has a similar comb, but his comb has always been blackish. If I hadn't raised him from my own stock I'd think he were part silkie or other black skinned breed.
Interesting, we got her when she was about 18 weeks and I think she may have had some black in it when she was younger too do you know what breed she could be, I thought maybe a black copper maran but not sure now 🤔
This Dark comb look pretty similar to the combs of my hens.
Especially the darker one. The 3 first weeks she had a normal red comb and then it start to be weird-dark.
Now the comb is 85% black with those tiny spots and my others have the same black thing slowly growing up on their combs too. =x
That's why I dont think its genetics sadly.
Vet dont know whats going on.

Is the black of your hen slowly spreading up too? Or reducing?
Here a look of mine


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That’s so strange, that looks very similar to our hen however she never really had a full red comb and I think it’s always had a bit of black on it, we also have 2 other hens who’s combs are completely normal (thats why I think it may be genetics) And so it is strange that your Other hens have it too, i have read that it can be cause by frostbite but from images I have seen thats mainly just on the tips but I have also heard that it can indicate towards heart or liver problems but I'm sure the vet would have noticed if it was that How old are your hens? if you find anything else let us know on the thread!
I see, well if the black is no more spreading on your hen comb or others ones I guess it's a good news!
For me those dark combs are very strange yeah, not even sure if its a real disease.. As you said it can be a environnemental problem, or maybe too much unhealthy food..
All I know its that they had bright red comb when I bought them (last week of April) and a touch of the flu (sneezing things mostly), but they recovered and now seems fine to me.
Just this combs issue that worries me..
They are around 6 month years old now
If I find anything I'll let you know yep.
Maybe your hen just really like The Cure and Radiohead and is going through her emo phase.

But that aside, I think the answers with genetics as the cause are probably right here.

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