Chickens exposed to gasoline fumes in food


Oct 20, 2020
I think I poisoned my chickens this morning, y’all. I feel utterly sick. They seem fine. They’re pecking around like it’s Tuesday and they’re chickens. They’re five months old. My kids adore them. And I go and give them gas-tainted grit days before they start laying.

I used a glass jar from the garage to carry them some grit. I gave them half of the jar a few days ago and left the jar under the coop. Just now I went to give them the other half and as I tossed it in I smelled a blast of gasoline fumes. My elderly Daddy had stored gas in that jar (which is a long story and as odd to me as it is to you, but makes perfect sense to Daddy). I ran into the run and scooped the grit up with my fingers and I think I got all but maybe a speck or two before they got it, but I already gave them a bunch out of that jar the other day. So now if the chickies don’t get sick and they finally lay some eggs I am not going to feel safe eating them for a while, if ever.

There couldn’t have been much in the jar, so I doubt it will kill them. There wasn’t any visible liquid. I guess I didn’t smell it when I filled it because I was wearing a mask to clean their coop.

I guess there's nothing to do but wait? Could anyone hazard a guess about the safety of their eggs if they lay anytime soon?

I have six hens: Jolene, Trouble, Wish, Noodle, Chicka Chicka and Boom Boom. 2 red star, 2 speckled sussex, 2 Easter eggers.
I would just watch them. What is done is done. Since it was out of the jar and on the ground, the fumes probably were dissipated so that little actually was eaten. I would think if it was still smelling of gas, the chickens would have avoided it. Was jar open to air before you loaded the grit inside, or covered with a lid?
The jar had a lid to begin with. I didn't notice the smell when I filled it. I was wearing one of those surgical masks because I'd been cleaning the coop. I don't know if they keep out the Covid, but they sure kept out the gas odor. I actually have a pretty keen sense of smell.
The jar had a lid to begin with. I didn't notice the smell when I filled it. I was wearing one of those surgical masks because I'd been cleaning the coop. I don't know if they keep out the Covid, but they sure kept out the gas odor. I actually have a pretty keen sense of smell.
They will be fine! The average egg withdrawal period from medications is 10-days, meaning you wait ten days after finishing the meds to start eating the eggs. If you’re really that concerned about the gas, then don’t eat any of their eggs laid in the next 10 days. I can assure you that whatever you’re feeding your chooks is already substantially healthier than grocery store eggs, and a little gas fumage is probably chump change compared to grocery store eggs. I wouldn’t sweat it!

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