Chicken's eyes close and open.

Update: The label on those electrolytes mentioned using that as a supplement when bird is stressed.

Okay so I put it in the water, and stuck her beak in a couple of times, and this happened. It seemed like a slap to the face for that bird. She seemed to have much more energy, motivation, or whatever. She started eating immediately after. I'm not going to get hopeful, because I've not had the best luck with this in the past, but hopefully my bird can pull through this.
Chick electrolytes are fine to use since they mix in the water. Here are some in multiple use containers to add to the water:

Okay, here's some more questions now that I've had a couple of days to examine and analyze the situation.

1: The eye situation: Her eyes seem to open and be shut randomly. But water seems to open them if closed. What could cause this?

2: Standing/Sitting: She hasn't sat down since I've put her in the Greenhouse. Can she not sit down? I kind of want her to sit down because I figure it would be more comfortable and be easier to eat/drink.

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