Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

bread, pasta, and meat seem to be the favorites in the leftovers from the table. I fed a tub of ricotta cheese to them once; they loved that, preened each others face for the remaining bits.
Not so interested in green stuff other than spinach, but mine free range some so green isn't so rare.
My chickens LOVE raisins! I cut them up a little bit though, because sometimes they can be a little big.
Just wondering if Kale and uncooked red potatoes are ok to feed? I would say that my girls' favorite treat would have to be grapes, strawberries and watermelon. They love spaghetti, scrambled eggs and rotisserie chicken, too.
Our hens have access to the outdoors a few hours a day and find all sorts of bugs and earthworms. When it comes to treats, they love cabbage and salad greens, tomatoes, apples, bell pepper seeds, hot corn meal mash with flax seeds in the winter time. Sometimes I'll scramble up an egg and they go NUTS! I'll start to crack peanuts in the shell and toss them out to the hens and they chase them :) Above anything else they LOVE dried meal worms and will come running at the sound of the bag opening. They mob the front door when they're free-ranging, in hopes of getting meal worms
My chicks are 8 weeks old, and I've given them a great variety of foods, but haven't tried meats. (With the exception of once giving them a bit of leftover taco meat, which they wouldn't eat.). Is it essential that I give them meat, or is it just a treat? I give them feed daily, and also give them treats of fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, & mealworms.
My chickens love yogurt and meal worms mixed together
. Scrambled eggs and watermelon are a few of their favorites as well.
In winter, their treat is usually cooked "soupy" oatmeal mixed with raisins, raw sunflower seeds, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese and chopped raw peanuts. Meal worms and vegies scattered on ground to keep the girls busy :D

Summertime their treat is lots of different fruit and they mostly free range! They go bonkers for the big fat juicy grasshoppers here in central WA.... and its entertaining to watch :D They come to the sound of a peanut shell being cracked open and before I can get the peanut completely chewed and swallowed the girls are on my lap....I'm certain they think peanuts spew from my mouth at random ;)

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