Chickens for Easter???


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
Johnstown Pa
Do people still buy there kids chicks for Easter? What do they do with them when there older because I know most people don't keep them or do they?
Sadly we were just discussing this on another website. A lot of these die, or get dumped. When they are no longer cute, and start growing, people don't know what to do with them. So they are just dumped into local parks, wooded areas, ect.

One thing that we can do is contact our local feed stores, and see if they will let us put up a flyer for rescue, Craigslist posts about the same.

It is sad, they were all bought with the greatest of intentions, but sadly a lot of people just don't know what they are getting into and are caught off guard when that cute little chick becomes a dinosaur looking chick. Or thouse cute little duckies start pooing everywhere. Ducks grow sooooo fast.
Baby Chicks for Easter is a bad idea IMO. unless you are someone who already knows what it takes to raise 'em and care for 'em & have done you homework on the cute little chick/s you are bringing into your family. I know our feed store got a huge shipment in the Friday before Easter & I kinda wondered how that would pan out for all those little chicks (Thankfully they were mostly Black Minorca's) . Baby chicks for Easter ranks right up there with 'a new cute puppy for Christmas' ... seems like a fun idea at the time...and then the puppy get big and is marking all over your house and eating your furniture. Then you throw the unforeseen costs of these holiday gifts... It just doesn't always end up in the best interest of the animal.
I just got my chicks a week ago. I've been wanting them for months. The timing was just coincidental; DH finally gave in. I actually thought the week before Easter they wouldn't sell them to us. I was wrong. They had more than usual and they also had ducks and bunnies too.
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I have seen so many bunny ads on craigslist "Bunnies, just in time for Easter!!" and I just want to scream. That is an awful thing to do to a child. I know people are just trying to sell all these extra animals, but it seems so irresponsible. I have bought animals for birthdays and Christmas, but they were animals that we were looking long and hard for and trying to find something that is a fit for our family. Instead of impulsively buying a puppy at a pet store, we rescued a dog and brought her home on Christmas Eve.
I almost forgot about easter! Haha, I wonder if that is why my feed store had moved the chick brooder to the back of their store and wasn't getting in any new chicks until this coming Thursday. I am waiting for some chicks I ordered to come in.
Bunnies and chicks for Easter is a BAD BAD idea....almost no good ever comes to such bunnies and chicks....weeks following Easter, Humane Societies are overwhelmed with unwanted bunnies....I cringe to even think about what happens to unwanted chicks! Unless, someone is serious about owning a bunny or a chick.....DON'T DO IT!!!! Get a picture.....get stickers....but NOT the real thing!!!!!
In Maryland they can not sell less than 5 chicks/ducklings/etc at a time. This is a policy set in place to stop the easter buying spree. Luckly in my county it was just ruled that if you can prove having a flock already. Luckly, I have about all my chicks from the same store, so the manager knows me
Here in NH there are minimums at feed stores, supply stores and chicken swaps....however there are no minimums at private where there is a will there is a way. And as for rabbits....they are not so lucky and there are NO safety measures in place to protect them!

Borrowed this from another BackYardChickens it! “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” Mahatma Gandhi

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