Chickens have diarrhea ----- HELP

We also "dog kennel" seperated the poopy one out from the flock, so that her Sulmnet medicated water would not
get drunk by the other chickens... messing up our eggs, making them inedible for 16 days!
We are contining with her yogert treatment too.

This way her eggs will also be seperated out and discarded.

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I've only had chicks for a coupple of days,but when my chicks had runny poop,and pastybutt(poop stuck to their bums) I gave them some boiled egg and it cleared up after a few days. IMPORTANT:If your chicks have pasty butt ,you need to get the poop off because if you don't,they wont beable to poo,and could die. Hope I helped!!
I am so glad someone put this link on the site I had some concerns on one of our girls poo but it falls into the catagory of ok. Thankyou.
My little girl is only 9 days old. She pastes up when I am not watching her and I have to soak it off. She is much smaller than the other birds (2 birds) different breeds. The poop is smelly. She is not eating like she should and wants to sleep most of the time. Should I feed her yogurt or egg?
Wow, thank you so much for the poo pics! My little 2 weekers were having stinky diarrhea on occasion and I was worried (being a new chick mommy and all). This cleared it up and I am no longer worried. Will give a little yogurt just in case.
Great question. I am having same problems and now I know the answers and what to watch for. Good Luck.
Hey thanks so much for posting this link, I was worried that my chooks were sick and being new to all this didn't realise that after few normal poos they did a runny one and that it's normal! Thank you!

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