chickens in the rain


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 16, 2009
Montrose, CO
I have 4 barred leghorn hens and 1 rooster. It has been raining for 4 hours straight now and instead of them being inside out of the rain they are all roosting outside on top of the run. I tried to get them inside but they will not go. Will they be okay sitting in the rain getting wet? Sounds like a dumb question. I am not an expert at raising chickens so I am unsure. Can anyone let me know please? Thank you!.
They'll be fine. Some like the rain others don't. I have seen some of mine stay out in the pouring rain when others run inside to the coop as soon as they see a sprinkle.
We had some huge storms just last weekend that knocked out the power for days. The winds were in the 60 mph range with lots of rain. All 6 of my chickens and the turkey stayed outside through all of it. As soon as the wind was gone they were back to foraging around in the yard. Mine seem to reall enjoy the rain.
they will be fine.
If chickens weren't okay in the rain, I couldn't have them here. It rains for about 8 months out of the year here.
You didnt state how old your chickens were, but if they are fully feathered, as long as they chose to be out in it, they will be fine. My chickens actually like to forage in the rain because when it comes down, out comes the bugs, time to forage!
When it rains here all of mine have access to the coops and the nest boxes but the silly chickens go under this huge cypress tree instead and get soaked all the same. Sometimes I can help them into the coop but they so far haven't had any problems with getting soaked and it is hot here so they dry quickly. Some even like it when I Hose the run with a fine spray on the hottest of days.
At first I was worried about this matter too
! But, I finally figured out that the worms come out when it is raining so they share them with the robins and they go under vehicles when they want to dry a little bit!

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