Chickens not laying eggs

We actually give them lots of vegies and fruits. They love cherry tomatoes, cantaloupe, and blueberries. Earlier in the year they were laying a good number of eggs. But since spring started, the number of eggs laid seems to have shrunk. I think they don't have enough calcium in their diet. Do you know of any chicken feed high in Calcium? Or treats?
From what I've read, it sounds like they're eating way too many treats, and not enough layer feed. Extra calcium is usually provided in the form of crushed Oyster Shell. It's NOT added to the feed, but put in a separate feeder, and the chickens are allowed free choice with it.

A couple other things that might slow, or stop them from laying is worms, and mites.
We had mites but I think we got rid of them. Are crushed oyster shells available at any feed store? I also read that crushed egg shells, (baked of course), are also high in calcium. is that true?
Yes, crushed oyster shells are usually available at any feed store. IF you have a TSC near you, I suggest getting them there, because of the price. Some of the feed stores carry the smaller bags, and they are a bit pricey, however TSC carries the large bags, and they are very affordable.

Yes, save egg shells, bake them, and crush them. Again, give them separately as free choice. Too much calcium is not good for them, which is why they are offered as free choice. You may be experiencing a bit of delay in production due to the mite problem, and if that is the only problem, they will resume production shortly.
Calcium is not the only thing they need to produce eggs. Phosphorus, manganese, vitamins A,D,E, protein, plenty of water, as well as other micro nutrients. In other words, a complete feed. Even if you give them a layers feed that contains all needed nutrients, if they don't eat enough, because they are eating other things as in too many treats, or even foraging all day, will decrease egg productivity. I let my girls out to forage 2 hours before sunset, weather permitting and they return to the coop around sunset. That amount of foraging means they eat quite a bit of layers pellets during the day and egg production is good. Just adding oyster shell, crushed limestone or egg shells may not increase production. GC
Chickens like homeostasis. Once there is a change in their environment, and they adjust it should pick up again.
Wise choice! Layer feed should be their primary diet, with a little oyster shell on the side as free choice. I offer mine a little bit of treats every 3 - 4 days. This means they get optimum nutrition, and the treats don't affect their health, or laying.
my neighbor just got oyster shells for them. But they only pecked at them for a little and didn't really seem interested. My neighbor also suggested that another reason for them not laying eggs is that she thinks our hen with chicks is scaring them out of the coop. Do you think that that might be the cause?
It only takes a little to correct a low calcium situation. That's why it's free choice. Um, in your original post you mention 3 chicks. What you failed to mention is that you have a mama hen, that is not in her own section, or area with her 3 chicks. Are you saying she's in with the rest of the flock, and you didn't separate her, and her chicks from the main flock? Well, that's probably your answer.

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