Chickens not laying eggs

Help!I have a flock of 20 hens and 1 rooster.(I also have 3 chicks.) Well, even though this time of year is when most chickens are laying lots of eggs, mine are barely laying anything! We get from 9 to 13 eggs a day even though I have 20 full grown hens. They get free ranging one or two times a day, I give them fresh water every day, and make sure they have plenty of feed. They just had red mites but I think we took care of them. Would red mites cause them not to lay eggs? We also feed them lots of blueberries. Blueberries are like their favorite treat. We also give them strawberries and tomatoes. Is it something they are eating? i will take any suggestions!
chickens need protein, mine get meat scraps and fermented oats and sunflower seeds in addition to organic crumble. and yes mites would cause them not to lay eggs, and mites are challening to completely remove. I keep diatomacious earth in their laying boxes with the straw, and put some in their crumble. I also mix it with the earth where they do their dirt baths. they free range on 1/3 acre (5 chickens).
I just read the above posts. I was given my hens (8 of them)- they are about 8 months old. As far as I know they had been laying regularly. I have had them for about 2 weeks. I feed them a feed mill scratch and I mix it with cracked corn. They are also free ranging all day. They return on their own to the coop several times a day. One hen is laying 1 egg once a day. At this rate I figure I will have to charge 250.00 a dozen when I finally accumulate 12 eggs!! :lau
mill scratch and cracked corn is non-nutritious feed, and they are not getting protein. I feed organic layer crumble, and soaked whole oats and black oil sunflower seeds (soaking activates nurients and expands the seeds, so you get more feed), and put minerals in their water. They also get meat scraps. I am surprised you are getting any eggs at all!
We actually give them lots of vegies and fruits. They love cherry tomatoes and blueberries. Earlier in the year, they were laying a good number of eggs. Since spring started, it seem as if the number of eggs they lay has shrunk. i was thinking they don't have enough calcium in their diet. Do you know of any chicken feed that is high in calcium?
get oyster shells or dry and crush egg shells
Yes, we left her in with the rest of the flock and no serious harm has come to her or to her chicks. (yet) thanx for the reply!
It only takes a little to correct a low calcium situation. That's why it's free choice. Um, in your original post you mention 3 chicks. What you failed to mention is that you have a mama hen, that is not in her own section, or area with her 3 chicks. Are you saying she's in with the rest of the flock, and you didn't separate her, and her chicks from the main flock? Well, that's probably your answer.
yes we let her stay with the rest of the flock and no serious harm has come to her or her chicks so far. Thanx for the reply!
I wasn't concerned about her, or her chicks. It's the rest of the flock I was concerned about. A mama hen sometimes transforms into a lion when it comes to her chicks.
I wasn't concerned about her, or her chicks. It's the rest of the flock I was concerned about. A mama hen sometimes transforms into a lion when it comes to her chicks.
you can say that again! Michigan,(my hen with chicks) especially goes after Montana, an easter egger. They had always were fine together until Michigan turned broody.

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