Chickens who HATE snow?

Well, today about half of mine decided that the snow was less terrifying than me flinging shavings out the coop door. I got in and shoveled out all of the poop from under the roosts and turned over the rest of the shavings this morning. About half of the chickens ran flapping from the coop. About half of the ones that vacated just went around the corner to the front of the coop, the other half actually made it 10 feet towards the fence!

My girls and snow, they hated it. It even got in the cat run shelf where Queenie pushed a load onto her son Socks head one day.
My rooster and hen would not go onto the snow either but, after I shoveled a path and a big square area they finally ventured out. Every time the snow starts to melt a little we get another snowfall. Now they wait for me to shovel a new path before they step out.
It is our first winter with Chickens, in Seattle, WA. Luckily we don't get much snow, but when we got a couple inches overnight, our 3 girls seemed afraid of it, and kept to the covered part of the run, except to get to their waterer, which they got to by awkwardly sticking to the side of the coop where there was no snow on the ground. We finally got them over it by throwing a couple handfuls of mealworms on the snow. They couldn't resist the treats, and quickly got over their fear of the snow. By the end of the day most of the snow in the run was all scratched up like they'd never been afraid of it :-D
LOL! I find this thread hilarious! My girls also hate snow-- they FREAK out when we put them in it--- and try "jumping over" the snow to get home! It is hilarious for us to watch-- and I want them to come out, but I am sure it isn't too funny for them. I just thought if I showed them how "fun" snow is..... they didn't think so.
Mine finally waded out in the deep stuff, but one of them wasn't content. She found a small group of bent over twigs and tried balancing on that, wings flapping.

"Not touching the white stuff. Not touching the white stuff. Not touching the white stuff."

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