Chickenstock fiesta yardsale August 21

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Hope everyone has a great 4th of July!!
I actually got to sleep in a little this morning
We went to the beach yesterday, hampton. us my sister inlaw her kids and my niece and nephew and her boyfreind, it was fun, i went in the ocein with the kids, they love when i go in with them. the water was freezing at firts but not as freezing as it was a couple years ago.

I got a new shirt wait till you guys see it.

it was packed, i drove around 4 times to find a parking, LOL

And now today just relaxeing haveing cook out, buying a pool, woohoo not huge but enough we go in to cool off.
We had a pesky fox in the yard this spring...lost two of our four....would love to pickup two to four girls that could hang out with our two adult girls on the 18th. Please contact if you can help. Thanks!
Well i called my grand-farther and he said we could go if the weather is good !!

Ill be so excited to meet alot of you and see shay again and poultry run farm
One of my broody Seramas hatched at least one baby!

I tried checking under her, but she pecked me (mind you she has NEVER pecked me before, she is a really gentle girl). So i backed off, but i DID hear tiny CHEEPING coming from under her!
I can't believe it! ok, i can, that's what broody hens are supposed to do, hatch babies! But we never had a broody successfully hatch anything until now. I'm SO EXCITED!

However, i need to know, WHAT TO DO NOW! I want momma to raise her babies, but how do they get food and water? She is in the top nest box, and the lip on this box is about 14 inches off the floor of their coop. How will the mom get the babies out without them falling and getting hurt? i lowered the feeder so it's just above the litter on the floor, but the waterer is up on a little box i made from 2x4 blocks on edge, so the water is about 4 inches up (it still gets shavings, etc kicked into it). But even if i put the waterer on the floor, i still don't know how the babies can get down from the top nest box. Judging from the egg size, these are TINY chicks!

HELP! Shay ? Gypsy ? Anyone?


if you put chick starter/crumbled food in a shallow dish and water in one of those small water containers moma will teach them what to do! she will make the clucking noises like the roo would do telling his girls he found goodies! it's fun to watch the whole commotion going on. though a word of advise: wait another day before putting the food out for her and the chicks unless you put it really close to moma. she might abandon any remaining hatching eggs to focus on teaching her chicks things to do. i've found it is easier to put moma in a separate pen from any other chickens so it is easier to feed and water just them while keeping them safe. moma may eventually try to attack any other adult if she sees her chicks are being harmed or had been harmed, she may keep a grudge on any other bird that had done this.

congrats and good luck with the new chickie!
In about a week teh babys will start trying to jump out with mom, so you may want to think about moveing her lower to the floor so that when they babys try to follow her they wont fall and get hurt. and mom wont be able to get them back into teh box if tehy get out.

unless it is big enough to cage her in it so she cant get out either, put a very shallow bowl of water in there with marble or rocks in teh bottom so the chicks dont drown, and put a container cover or feeder taht holds chick starter with there chick stater in there.
In about a week teh babys will start trying to jump out with mom, so you may want to think about moveing her lower to the floor so that when they babys try to follow her they wont fall and get hurt. and mom wont be able to get them back into teh box if tehy get out.

unless it is big enough to cage her in it so she cant get out either, put a very shallow bowl of water in there with marble or rocks in teh bottom so the chicks dont drown, and put a container cover or feeder taht holds chick starter with there chick stater in there.

My hens nest is in an elevated dog house and I made step with flat stones that go up to the doorway and I could not believe it when I saw the little chicks coming down them in the morning and following mama into the coop at dusk, but the "up" took several tries and mama hen kept coming out and showing them till the last one made it in!
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