Chickenstock fiesta yardsale August 21

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Had a great day today. sold some yard sale items and 2 baby chicks. Got a beautiful serama roo! Thanks Gypsy. We love him. Won some raffle prizes. Hope to see everyone tomorrow in Westford. Maybe I will find the ducks I am looking for.
I'm a fan of the blue eggs too, and I am still learning, but my rudimentary understanding is that blue is a dominant egg color gene, and if the hen lays a cream shell with the blue gene, you get greenish eggs, and if she lays a white egg with the blue gene you get a bluer egg. So it's not so much that you need a "purebred", you just need to know what stock the EE comes from (ie, white/blue egg layer). Also, there is a rather rarer breed called a cream legbar that lays blue-blue eggs.
I've heard rumors that you can tell what color eggs they will lay by the color of their ears, but I don't know if that's an old wives tale. It happens to be true for my EEs, though.
I'm bummed I missed the swap. I thought that the feral cat clinic was today but its next week, so had I been organized I could have come. On the upside, I went to the Sterling Fair and won a blue ribbon for my oil painting of a horse. Yay for me. Oh, and I could have easily won a ribbon with one of Henny Penny's hens if they were old enough- there were only two entries for Ameraucanas, and second place went to an EE, not even a true one.
Does anyone know if Bob and Cindy (the cage/supply people) will be in Westford tomorrow? I think I might need to pick up a pair of zebra finches if anyone knows.
Also, he may not know the swap is at Toms house and not the sportsmans club so can someone that knows how to reach him let him know!
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Thank you Shay! What a great day we had for it too...
My daughter and friend had a great time hanging around all the animals (s did I!)
And Thanks to the person who took the 3 cockerels I brought. I thought for sure I'd be bringing them back here!
Thanks for the info, suzannaski!!

Shay, not sure if you name your birds, or if you will keep the name, but my baby was Daffy... originally Daffodil, Daffy for short and especially when we suspected he was a boy
And I bet you thought that Daffy was only a duck. lol
Thanks again Shay for a great swap! Had a lot of fun! I definitely agree with ya shay, it was a total hang out day, and a perfect one for it! So glad it's getting to be fall weather! Got a beautiful little Serama roo (thank you Gypsy!), some jellies/jams and a Bantam Salmon Favorelle (thank you Chickie'sMoma!), and some corn and won the Veggie Basket with the raffle (thank you Shay! The tomatoes were delicious and the corn's in the pot now....I can't wait to eat it!) Can't wait to see ya all next month!
I belive bob is a member so he most likey knows it is at toms we got the newsleuer n it says that this one is at toms
Nope, wasn't my daughter you met. I couldn't convince mine to get out of bed, LOL!

Sorry, I don't know of any Ameraucanas (bantam or otherwise) for sale at the moment. I'll be sure to let you know if I hear of any.
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