Chickenstock fiesta yardsale August 21

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Hey, no worries! i was able to sell them, so it's all good to me!
Maybe next year you'll get some Buffs from me----they are really nice ducks! Their egg is bigger than the khaki campbell's egg, the female buff is a good layer, and she was willing to go broody when given the chance!

Now if i can just sell my last two silky ducks! They are really beautiful, and i think if they were girls they would have sold already!
Hi Shay,
The black ringnecks are 15.00 ea,yellow golden and silvers 20.00 ea,amherst 25.00 ea,temminick tragopans 75.00 ea.These are the 2011 hatch birds.For breeders (2) black ringneck hens 20.00 ea,silver male 25.00,(2) edwards hens 75.00 ea.
In N.H.,Tony.

lol i hear ya, how much for each?
They are still here and not going no where, they are sooo grown, so cute.

Oh, the kids are going to be so excited! I'm sure my friend will find what she needs. Hope it's not too hot for everyone selling!
Hey, no worries! i was able to sell them, so it's all good to me!
Maybe next year you'll get some Buffs from me----they are really nice ducks! Their egg is bigger than the khaki campbell's egg, the female buff is a good layer, and she was willing to go broody when given the chance!

Now if i can just sell my last two silky ducks! They are really beautiful, and i think if they were girls they would have sold already!

When I re-home the "duck intervention" adoptees I'll have room for Buffs! I'm planning on it next year!
Shay, is Tom coming tomorrow? I have a bunch of boys to give him. If he's going to be there I'll bring the whole lot, otherwise we'll drop them off at his place early next week.
i just got back from being away for a week and having tom there is tempting me to maybe box up a ton of roos myself. ugh wish i wasnt sooo tired with soo much to do.
Hey, no worries! i was able to sell them, so it's all good to me!
Maybe next year you'll get some Buffs from me----they are really nice ducks! Their egg is bigger than the khaki campbell's egg, the female buff is a good layer, and she was willing to go broody when given the chance!

Now if i can just sell my last two silky ducks! They are really beautiful, and i think if they were girls they would have sold already!

When I re-home the "duck intervention" adoptees I'll have room for Buffs! I'm planning on it next year!

Well, believe it or not, someone just stopped in a few minutes ago, and bought the last 2 silky ducks! Woot!!!
I'll only have 2 Serama chicks to bring tomorrow, plus a few plants! That's it!
BooHoo, I dont think I am coming tomorrow after all. I have so so so much still to do before I leave for KY. I am hoping to leave at 5am Monday morning and I have nothing packed, need to do laundry, need to put the finnishing touches on some clay jewelry I made and pack up my truck! WHY do I wait till the last minute for everything WHY??????? Every year I tell myself that I will get started making stuff so that I will have a shebang ready for sale, and every year THIS HAPPENS! Arggggghhhh!
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