Chickenstock Planning, Minnesota/Midwest/Wherever :)

I still think this is a very good idea, just have to get the ball rolling, which I am terrible at,lol!
I was just thinking....we are supposed to be getting our farm place, finalizing everything at the moment. Wouldnt it be fun to have a Chickenstock/swap? I would have it out at the farm, we could cook/camp out, swap chicken related items etc. Though as its getting fall, I am thinking it might be better to plan this for May or June. Gives lots of time to prepare!! And I am open to suggestion on what kind of activities and such.
I think that would be a lot of fun. Keep us posted!
Nebraska would be fine too! Actually ANY state would be fine with me, whoever wanted to come, as long as they were respectful, brought their own camping equipment, food etc. I would TRY to provide some of what was needed though. Make it at least a weekend. It would be fun to do this annually.

I was teasing on another thread about the old house needing paint and having a "painting party"., just joking, though my mom always said "more hands make less work!!"
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I'm in depending on where. I live in East Central MN. Mille Lacs County. Oh yeah, also depending on the weather too, of course. Hopefully May or June next year(if that is when) will not be like it was this year.
If everything goes as well as it has been with the farm it will be in southwestern Minnesota.
I have never done anything like this before so a few people to help plan are very welcome!
If you want to pick a few people who have offered to help to PM back and forth, and also maybe there are some out there who have had a chickenstock before who might help. I can ask around. I am up to my ears right now with some stuff, but I will try to do what I can to help. I've been known to organize a few parties, before, but I don't want this to go over my head.

I will PM you, MagsC as I brainstorm things (which may take awhile since I am really booked right now), and also getting the "Midwest/All States welcome Chickenstock Committee" on the chat all together at some point might be a good idea. Also, the painting thing might not be a bad idea.

Edited to add: MagsC you might want to add ChickenStock Planning or something to that effect in the title of this thread. It might attract more people.
So something like Midwest/MN/Etc ChickenStock in the Works or something.
All you have to do is edit the title from your initial post.
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May/June works for me I can skip a wk of dog showing:) Maybe we could have a couple contests like best dressed chicken or a chicken chariot race I dunno we will come up with something.

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