Chickenstock Planning, Minnesota/Midwest/Wherever :)

I love the enthusiasm!
I think this could be a really great time. I was also going to say I could put up a few people in the house, but its not huge, thats why I thought about camping in the area around the house.
I can just see having a "best dressed chicken" contest or the chicken chariot races. Of course the best thing about it will be communicating with people who have the same interest.

Risurocket, I will edit the name of the thread as you suggested.

How do you edit a title????
Erg, I am disorganized tonight!! I also wanted to say that anyone who really thinks they would like to help plan, pm me.
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Go to your initial post, the very first one and hit edit. Above the message box should be where you put your title again, and you can just add or subtract what you want in the title.
Then resubmit the post. good luck!
I think camping sounds great. A big campfire fire pit with chicken songs and stories! haha!
I love the idea of a chickenstock/swap. Im in as well
altho really horrible at planning things lol. Im in the middle of getting ready for a wedding so i don't have much time as of now but may in the near future. :O that means i'll have to find a weekend chicken sitter, by may/june i'll have tons of babies running around here.
First we need to decide where this is gonna happen:) Then we should decide when, I will be having a late winter litter here and they should be gone if all goes well by may. I am sure some of the more experienced people on the forum could give us ideas. I will probably have a few seramas to find new homes for and who knows what else:lol:
I really need to subscribe to this post,lol!! I missed the more recent posts completely.
If we get moved out to our new place in time, I would be very happy to have it out there, either later spring or early summer. However, I am open to suggestions.
There are SO many possibilities! Though the idea of eggs/chicken swapping is a good one. Maybe a raffle? Also a speaker, not sure what subjects yet. Games. BBQ.

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