Chickentrain's Dog Q&A

Also, some cat questions:
Is it possible for a cat to teach a dog to pee on things? (VERY IMPORTANT)
Do cats tend to do better with dogs that are cat size, or larger than cat size? Or is it entirely personality based?
It depends on both the cats personality and the dogs, I have a 7kg dog and a tiny 2kg cat who get along extremely well, but my 4kg and 3kg cat don’t get along as well with the dog.
Also, some cat questions:
Is it possible for a cat to teach a dog to pee on things? (VERY IMPORTANT)
Do cats tend to do better with dogs that are cat size, or larger than cat size? Or is it entirely personality based?
I don’t think it is possible for a cat to teach a dog to be litter box trained, or do you mean your cat is going where it shouldn’t and you are worried the dog will learn the bad behaviour?

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