Chickentrain's Dog Q&A

My dog is slowly losing both her hearing and sight, the advice I have gotten is start teach her commands by touch, so touch her back for sit touch her shoulder to tell her she can get up. But I am struggling to teach her this. I have been telling her to sit and touching her back but she does not seem to connect the two things, I have also tried luring her in to a sit while touching her back it also does not seem to work. Any ideas on how to get her to connect the things?
My dog is slowly losing both her hearing and sight, the advice I have gotten is start teach her commands by touch, so touch her back for sit touch her shoulder to tell her she can get up. But I am struggling to teach her this. I have been telling her to sit and touching her back but she does not seem to connect the two things, I have also tried luring her in to a sit while touching her back it also does not seem to work. Any ideas on how to get her to connect the things?
Would it maybe be easier to teach through vibrations? If, say, 2 stomps means sit, then do your two stomps while doing your hand signal and verbal command, then phase out the hand signal and verbal command. Alternatively, you could have someone else tell her to sit and you could touch her back right as they say the word sit.
Would it maybe be easier to teach through vibrations? If, say, 2 stomps means sit, then do your two stomps while doing your hand signal and verbal command, then phase out the hand signal and verbal command. Alternatively, you could have someone else tell her to sit and you could touch her back right as they say the word sit.
vibrations wouldn’t work, if somebody put something heavy down it may do the same vibrations and play time with cats includes stomping at them. thats basically what I am doing minus the other person
vibrations wouldn’t work, if somebody put something heavy down it may do the same vibrations and play time with cats includes stomping at them. thats basically what I am doing minus the other person
I’d use the other person so that it’s easier to be in sync and for her to both see and hear someone asking her to sit and feel the touch to make the connection.
My dog is slowly losing both her hearing and sight, the advice I have gotten is start teach her commands by touch, so touch her back for sit touch her shoulder to tell her she can get up. But I am struggling to teach her this. I have been telling her to sit and touching her back but she does not seem to connect the two things, I have also tried luring her in to a sit while touching her back it also does not seem to work. Any ideas on how to get her to connect the things?
Try putting your left hand under her chin and lift slightly for Sit. To start with, at the same time, instead of touching her back, put your right hand in a claw position and lightly squeeze on either side of her spine just in front of her hips. They are ticklish in the same spot we are. Don't press down, just give a quick little squitch as you lift her head up gently. As soon as she sits, stroke her head, again gently but briefly.

To release her, tap her twice on the shoulder. It won't mean anything at first but don't worry about it. What you'll really want to do, perhaps, at some point, is teach her stay. So just let her get up whenever she wants.

Realize that as she ages, sitting may become more uncomfortable. Don't ask much of her. Pay attention to how she moves. A few repetitions a few times a day may be all she's good for.

A blind / deaf dog may be able to see a white hanky waving, for "come." Wave it big, maybe over your head. Keep one in your pocket. At night, try flipping a light on and off, like a porch light, to orient her to come in from outside. Good luck!
Try putting your left hand under her chin and lift slightly for Sit. To start with, at the same time, instead of touching her back, put your right hand in a claw position and lightly squeeze on either side of her spine just in front of her hips. They are ticklish in the same spot we are. Don't press down, just give a quick little squitch as you lift her head up gently. As soon as she sits, stroke her head, again gently but briefly.

To release her, tap her twice on the shoulder. It won't mean anything at first but don't worry about it. What you'll really want to do, perhaps, at some point, is teach her stay. So just let her get up whenever she wants.

Realize that as she ages, sitting may become more uncomfortable. Don't ask much of her. Pay attention to how she moves. A few repetitions a few times a day may be all she's good for.

A blind / deaf dog may be able to see a white hanky waving, for "come." Wave it big, maybe over your head. Keep one in your pocket. At night, try flipping a light on and off, like a porch light, to orient her to come in from outside. Good luck!
I will try that thank you! the thing that complicates this is she is still quite active, she has not really slowed down yet. Her hearing has been bad since we got her (she was 5-6 years old) she is about 13 now

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