Chicks and Appropriate Grit


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2019
Hello! I have 8 chicks, all of them at least a week old but two are a couple days older. I was wondering about two things involving grit, since I intend on bribing them with treats so they love me lol.
1. Do they need grit to eat scrambled eggs? This would probably be the first thing I would give to them, but I was just wondering if they needed grit to grind it or if it would digest smoothly.
2. If I took some fine gravel/dirt/sand from my driveway, would that be safe to use as grit for the chicks? What about sandy gravel from my older chickens coop/run area?
3. Are there stores that sell appropriated grit sizes for one to three week old chicks? Or will I have to make/gather it from outside sources?
Thank you!
The gravel you have might work but I'd sift through it to see if there's some small pieces that aren't too small. Too fine (like sand) and it won't do anything. Too big and they won't be able to eat it.

Chick grit is on left, pullet and hen size grits next to it for comparison.


I bought about a 2 gallon bag of granite grit from the local mill, they put it in their chicken scratch. Ran it thru a colander with 1/16" holes. Bagged the smaller stuff for the chicks and sprinkle some over a chunk of sod in the brooder during the second week.
Thank you! Do you have to wait until the second week to give them grit?
They need grit for any food other than chick feed, including treats. If you're giving them anything other than chick feed, they need grit. Keep in mind, chicks raised free-range are getting grit and non-chick-feed foods as soon as they start to eat. There isn't really a "too early" for grit.
Dirt from your driveway should work. If you give them a decent-sized dish, they can pick out the appropriate sizes on their own.

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