Chicks arrived! Did I get a rooster?!


10 Years
Mar 24, 2014
Rhode Island
Our six Red Star chicks arrived today....and I think we may have gotten a rooster in our "all female" half dozen.

Sorry for the color....our heat lamp has a red bulb.....but the guy at the bottom is different than the I have a Rooster?

If so, how are these things usually resolved? We ordered from MyPetChicken.
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I would say yes. Usually sexlinked redstar hens are dark and the roos very light, but I'm not sure what you mean by resolved?

Firekin, thanks for the reply! By resolved I just mean "I can't have a do I find him a good home?"

Here's clearer pick (red light turned off):

Now I would def say cute!! I'd say you got lucky with only the one roo, a lot of times when you order straight run sex linked chicks they throw in all the suppose you could advertise to give him away, someone on here may be close enough to you and want him, or some would throw him in a stew pot once he started to crow....If you got him by mail I'm not sure sending him back would be an option, but I've never gotten chicks that way so I honestly don't know.
Now I would def say cute!! I'd say you got lucky with only the one roo, a lot of times when you order straight run sex linked chicks they throw in all the suppose you could advertise to give him away, someone on here may be close enough to you and want him, or some would throw him in a stew pot once he started to crow....If you got him by mail I'm not sure sending him back would be an option, but I've never gotten chicks that way so I honestly don't know.

Thank you! I mispoke in my first thread...I ordered all female (still learning the lingo!)

I spoke to MPC and they had me send them a picture (same one as above).

The customer service rep basically said the same....they can't ship one replacement, and maybe either a feed store or craigslist to find a home for him.

I wouldn't mind a rooster, but my neighbors are fairly close by and likely wouldn't be thrilled.
There's a guy around here that takes "any free chicken" on craigslist. I think he just eats them, or perhaps keeps some and eats non-layers. Not sure, but as long as they're dealt with in a humane way I guess I don't really care :)

I likely have a roo in my batch, but we bought them from a local farm that takes males back. Going to be hard, as I'm already attached to the little fella..
There's a guy around here that takes "any free chicken" on craigslist. I think he just eats them, or perhaps keeps some and eats non-layers. Not sure, but as long as they're dealt with in a humane way I guess I don't really care :)

I likely have a roo in my batch, but we bought them from a local farm that takes males back. Going to be hard, as I'm already attached to the little fella..

Yeah, they are awfully cute...hard to consider finding a new home, but I really need to stay on the good side of the neighbors (I'm the new guy).

The MPC rep said that Tractor Supply may take a chick if they have room. Anyone have any experience with that? Now, if only they could sell me one female as a replacement....instead of the 12-chick minimum!

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