chicks dying left and right please help!

That's likely not it, then. You'll need to describe your brooder setup. There may be a problem there.

Heat source?
How warm beneath?
Water source? Unfiltered, untreated well water?
The bedding is chopped straw, I have 1 250W heat lamp (red), temp about 100, feeding 30% game bird starter from Purina, water is Filtered well water (softened), and the size is a black bin with yellow lid about 5 sq ft.
Thanks for all the help
The bedding is chopped straw, I have 1 250W heat lamp (red), temp about 100, feeding 30% game bird starter from Purina, water is Filtered well water (softened), and the size is a black bin with yellow lid about 5 sq ft.
Thanks for all the help
I’m new at this and am raising baby chickens. My first impression is it may be too hot for them. I use a red 150 watt light and most of the chicks move away from it within 3 days. The floor under the light where it’s passed 95 degrees -they stay away from. Just my first impression. Other then that, I use filtered well water also, chopped straw which they love, they have 16 sq feet in the brooder and there’s 27 chicks in there presently. They are now 2.5 weeks old and want to be outside. 19 are meat birds with lots of feathers and the rest are little hens. All are healthy and get along as long as they can escape and perch if they want. I know it’s important to keep them warm, but they need to be able to escape the heat as well. Good luck and God Bless!
At 100F, the black bin will make it seem much warmer. That's too hot. Raise the lamp so the temp is no higher than 85. Get rid of the lid as that holds the heat in. And the bin is likely too small to permit the chicks from finding a cool spot to shed excess heat.

If the chicks are standing at the edges panting, they are being cooked.

Well water that has been softened likely has a high sodium content. It may be dehydrating the chicks. Use bottled water.

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