Chicks old enough for coop?


Mar 6, 2018
Northern California
My Coop
My Coop
I have another post about transitioning them into the coop but I just wanted to make sure my babies are old enough to go outside. Planning for this Saturday. Local weather will be high 60's in the days and low 40's at nights (with some occasional rain). What do you think? I want to avoid putting in the heat lamp; read too many horror stories about coops catching on fire. I've been reading about putting in a heating pad. I've read mixed things about whether or not they'll need a heat source. Here are some photos of them from today.
Easter Egger at about 5 weeks.
BSL at about 5 weeks as well.
Black Australorp at 4 1/2 weeks!
One of my youngest; Barred Rock @ 3 1/2 weeks.
GSL also at about 3 1/2.

Each chick will be about half a week older on the day I'm planning to relocate them. Let me know what you think!
Have your already weaned them off of heat in the house? That is the first step. Have you been putting them outside during the day?

My Feb 14th chicks have been outside for a couple weeks now. They only use their heating pad at night and spend most of the day in the run if it's not too windy. Temps here have been 40s-50s during the day and high 30s at night.
Have your already weaned them off of heat in the house? That is the first step. Have you been putting them outside during the day?

My Feb 14th chicks have been outside for a couple weeks now. They only use their heating pad at night and spend most of the day in the run if it's not too windy. Temps here have been 40s-50s during the day and high 30s at night.
I have started turning off the heat lamp for a few hours during the day. Should I have it on at night or during the day? I'm thinking to keep it on during the day and off at night.
They have not been outside yet. Thanks!
I'm in Australia so there could be a temperature difference but my chicks went out when they were about 5-6 weeks from memory. But they were out during the day and I would bring them in at night till they were restless inside. They should keep each other warm. We had a few very cold days when I was putting them out but whenever I picked them up they would be toasty warm.
I'm in Australia so there could be a temperature difference but my chicks went out when they were about 5-6 weeks from memory. But they were out during the day and I would bring them in at night till they were restless inside. They should keep each other warm. We had a few very cold days when I was putting them out but whenever I picked them up they would be toasty warm.
thank you!!!
I'm getting ready to move my three week olds to a corner of the coop or under the nest boxes with a heating pad cave setup. It's warmer in the coop than the barn & they'll be acclimated with their momma hens. Sure wish I had a broody... maybe next month when it gets warmer.
Don't worry too much about the younger ones either. As long as they get along with the older ones they'll keep each other warm. But I do recommend doing a gentle transition of being out during the day but in during the night until they're ready. That's relatively easy to tell.
I would keep them off of heat completely. Even if you're cheap like me and hate turning up the heat it's still warmer inside than out and you need to prepare them for outside temperatures. The sooner you start putting them outside for the day, the better. You can bring them inside at night if you want but if you were to leave them out at night and go check on them and touch them you'd find them very warm.
I'm getting ready to move my three week olds to a corner of the coop or under the nest boxes with a heating pad cave setup. It's warmer in the coop than the barn & they'll be acclimated with their momma hens. Sure wish I had a broody... maybe next month when it gets warmer.
We were going to try because one of our bantams was broody, but she's aggressive so we decided against it. Planning to add two Polishes to the flock in a month or so, so hopefully someone else will be broody! Best of luck to you :)

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