Chicks, pullets, or hens? What's the best for a first timer


Jul 22, 2018
Chicago area Illinois
I've never owned chickens but I'm wondering what's the best to start with here's what I'm thinking I'll start with chicks: chicks have extra costs needing a heat lamp and all of the other things and in my head I've always thought since recently I'm not getting chicks because they coat extra money but thinking it now pullets and hens cost more then chicks but chicks need more supplies so I think they'll equal each other out but then I think there's probably no way I will get all females and I don't spicificly want a rooster but what do I do if I get one? Then with pullets I wouldn't have the same bond that I would with the chicks so what's is everyone else's ideas and experiences
I have always started from chicks. I like watching them grow personally becuase you get to watch all the little changes they go threw. In the beginning the cost is more since you need to supply a heat source. But once you have these things if you decided to add to your flock in the form of chicks again then you already have some of the things that you need on hand instead of having to buy all the things you need every time. Their feed is a bit more expensive then layer feed or corn. When you buy from farm stores or hatcheries there are usually strait runs or you can get just pullets so you don't have to get a rooster though they aren't always right.
I’d personally recommend pullets at POL for a first timer.

Some basic info-

• You can be 100% sure they’re girls at this age.
• Less time waiting for them to lay eggs than chicks.
• Being young, you know when they start laying you will get lots of eggs from them, as chickens lay the most eggs in their first few years.
• Chicks require more attention and care, and when all the costs of raising them add up, you’d be able to get a pullet for a similar price by the time chicks start laying.

• Raising chicks gives you plenty of experience and it’s great fun. They are SO cute!
• It is easier to tame your chickens and form a bond with them when you get them from day olds.
• Sometimes there is a wider range of breeds available as day olds than pullets.

• Similar advantages to the pullets, but may not end up laying as many eggs depending on their age.

In the end it’s up to you! What you get can also depend what’s available in your area. Good luck! I’m sure you’ll love chicken keeping as much as we do. It’s great fun! Keep us updated :D
This spring I raised my first batch of chicks, and if I could redo it, I wouldn't change a thing. It allowed me to bond with the tiny little fluff balls and helped me not be so afraid of chickens...because now I know if they peck me they don't mean harm, and they are just little gentle beasts that have a eagerness for life and a curiosity that gets the best of them sometimes. The chicks I got were under $2 each so pretty cheap (from Ace hardware and TSC) and I didn't get a single roo but I know everyone isn't that lucky. It has also been great to be able to see them grow up, and that also makes the "first egg" SO much sweeter, because you KNOW all that has gone into that first egg. I would also recommend getting an assortment of chicks! It makes it so much fun when you are able to tell them apart and have a variety of patterns of feathers and personalities! If you get chicks, I would definitely recommend looking into the Mama Heating Pad technique. Basically you string a heating pad to the underside of a wire cave and it simulates the mama hen's warmth and is a very good way to heat the chicks without the risk of cooking them under a heat lamp. Hope all goes well!
There are ups and downs to each group( chicks, pullets, hens). I started my flock from chicks. First of all, they’re adorable! But you gain a better relationship with them since you’ve been with them their entire life! The only part I don’t like about it is since we don’t have the capability to raise them, we have to rehome the cockerels, which can be hard when you’ve grown to love them! Pullets take Less time to start laying eggs, and are guaranteed girls. Hens, depending on the age, will either lay a lot or not very much. Again, ups and downs to all ages! Enjoy!
If you have the option to get birds from a local breeder, especially one who's NPIP certified, you're likely to get higher quality birds than going to TSC. Shipping stresses them out and if you can pick them up locally, they won't have gone through that.

Chicks are more fun, cheaper and easier to get than older birds, and you can learn as you go, but you won't see eggs for 5-6 months. If you're worried about cockerels, look into sex-linked breeds or get pullets around 10-12 weeks, when the genders are usually obvious.
PS: Start building the coop before you get the chickens - no matter what age you get.


And I've only ever really started with chicks. If raised outside with a heat plate or a MHP (mama heating pad), really not much extra work. I've added a couple started pullets when chicks didn't make it (which is why I simply start with at least an extra chick now) but they don't warm up to you quite as easily as chicks would, which is something to consider if you're wanting to keep your chickens as pets.

I don't spicificly want a rooster but what do I do if I get one?

If you cannot or do not want males, you can either start with older birds so there's little to no chance of an error in sexing, or try sexlinked birds that can be sexed based on color or markings.

I don't keep sexlinks so I just take my chances on vent sexed chicks. And I have gotten a male before. You do need a plan in place for what to do with one, whether it's dinner or giving it away as dinner or whatnot.
Aside from what everyone else has mentioned... if you start with pullets or hens you don't have set up a brooder and have stinky messy birds in your house. How big a factor this is depends on your house, but I do not have a garage or a shed or a barn or a basement so I really really did not want chickens in my house. Older birds are a known sex and known survivors. You'll have a blast either way and be able to build a bond either way. Good luck, have fun, happy chicken keeping.

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