Chicks too hot in incubator?


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Dedham, Ma
I had five chicks hatch today and I had one more egg that had piped. The temp was about 102 and the humidity 75% due to the hot weather here today it was difficult to keep the temp down. Anyway I noticed that the chicks were breathing heavy and had their beaks open. So I put the piped egg into another incubator and opened the hatcher for awhile when I closed it back up I left it open just a bit so it's about 90 in there. Do you think they were overheated?
You will also find if you keep it to cold they will huddle together and sometime one or two will get smothered. I have lost chicks this way. Good for you, hatching out your own chicks. How about some pictures? Good luck with the peeps. franko
Thanks guys. even though they were not completely dry I took them out and put them in the brooder last night I had a heck of a time trying to get the temp down in the hatcher. I have one more batch of eggs to go in lockdown on Friday....good thing it's the last one so I can just use the incubator they are in as a hatcher it's a much better one. I'll send some pics tonight when I get home from work. I also have one that piped Sunday night made some progress big hole but hasn't zipped yet...should I be worried? I put that egg in my Brinsea mini advance.

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