Children trespassing

Ooooooooh - I like this! Then they'd have to explain why they're dripping wet!

I can't believe how negligent some parents are these days! Although I'm raising a trio of kids with ADHD - you turn your back for 30 secs and have to get the 2-year-old out of the ceiling fan (true story). I have to do continuous head counts in public to make sure I have them all. I would be livid if I found out one of mine crossed the street unsupervised or was trespassing on someones property or talking to a stranger!

Seriously, I'd probably tell the kids that you'd love to show them the chickens, but they need to bring their mom or dad with them, so run back to the ball field and get one of them. Then the parents would at least be aware of where junior was.
I was going to suggest the same thing! Taught my 3 yr old to quit climbing the horse pasture fence in a hurry! He bumped it twice and hasn't been over the fence since. This was a definite safety issue because we have 2 horses in there and even though they are very docile it only takes once.
The t-posts and wire are pretty cheap and the only real expence is the charger. You might even get away without a charger if you put the signs on the fence with the lightening bolts. Might make them think twice before touching it.
I would find out who their parents are and call them. I'm sure some other kids standing around will tell you at least their last names and where they live. Or wait around for the perpetrators to be picked up and explain to the parents about the sharpness of a rooster. I'm sure they wouldn't want their little babies getting speared in the chins by a roo.

OR pack a van full of kids and follow them home and go play in their yard during dinner.
Wow, just read this whole thing... And out of all the ideas, the sprinklers sound the best. Would you hear the sprinklers go off? Then you could have a heads up on when I kid comes through, and have a talk with him. After a while, you'll have explained to many of them about your roos. And you also won't be the "bad guy", AND they'll still be wet 'cause they went through the sprinkler! I think that could be good. Plus, I don't know of any chicken that will willingly go under a sprinkler...

I am amazed at parents today... Growing up there were horses in the pasture next to our property... And these were nice horses, but if you looked like you wanted to "play" they would chase you like a dog. No trespassers in her yard EVER.
How bout you use poison ivy instead of those azealas. Might not be immediate satisfaction, but you will be grinning all day long
I would be the mean old witch lady! They need to learn that you don't just run onto someone property. I teach my children that consistently. There is a swingset a stones throw from my yard, noones ever home there and they know not to cross over and ever go on that property unless invited. That is crazy. You shouldn't have to put up with it. You should definitely post signs and if they can't read I would yell out to go find their parents and stay off your property. Good luck.
We already have holly bushes up there. They ripped a bunch of branches off and made a trail inbetween them.

I do have to say I like the idea of motion sprinklers... just not punishing enough for what I need!!!

That stinks!
I'd probably put in a chicken-poop pond across the opening, with a liberal dose of water to make it really gross... and then a fine carpet of leaves to hide it...

I like your style! haha
An electric fence will keep the kids out. lol Red snappers are pretty mild, they'll keep the little ones away, but something more fierce... oh say a bear shocker will take down the bigger ones. Won't cause any damage, but will give them one heck of a reason to stay out. LOL this is starting to sound like raccoons or skunks.

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