China's going nuts

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You know what's crazy. You can't find any medical face masks. All our local stores -- CVS, Target, etc., are sold out. I went on Amazon and the prices are CRAZY. A box of 10 was $60+. Normally about $8.00. I'm flying to Australia in a couple weeks and wanted a couple on hand for the plane, layovers, etc.

They're all made in China now, and there aren't enough even for the Chinese. The authorities say everyone has to wear a face mask, so I've seen some funny pictures where people who couldn't find any improvised and used things like underwear and feminine sanitary napkins as face masks.
They're all made in China now, and there aren't enough even for the Chinese. The authorities say everyone has to wear a face mask, so I've seen some funny pictures where people who couldn't find any improvised and used things like underwear and feminine sanitary napkins as face masks.
That's funny! But certainly a lesson. When China crashes the rest of the world is in pieces. <sorry, couldn't help myself ... is it a pun?>
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