China's going nuts

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It's the same irrational fear. The Ukrainians returning from Wuhan are going to be quarantined until it's determined it's safe to release them into the public. It just shows how some people lose their humanity when confronted with a fear they don't know how to control. Those people who are released from quarantine will probably face stigmatization and shunning when they are released, because, well, some people are just ignorant.

But to be fair, maybe those protesting Ukrainians, knowing how corrupt and inept their government is, are understandably terrified of what could go wrong.
It's the same irrational fear. The Ukrainians returning from Wuhan are going to be quarantined until it's determined it's safe to release them into the public. It just shows how some people lose their humanity when confronted with a fear they don't know how to control. Those people who are released from quarantine will probably face stigmatization and shunning when they are released, because, well, some people are just ignorant.
I think that's a bit of a stretch. Witchcraft doesn't kill people, viruses can and do.

ETA that religion is all about control, just like government
I didn't say that, but the US is nowhere near as inept as Ukraine is. It's probably more corrupt, though.
Well yes, actually, you did. China, Russia, Ukraine are all corrupt and inept. People get away with all kinds of things in those countries but they get in trouble in the US. To me that implies that you believe our government is less inept or corrupt than those other places.
China is ground zero for this outbreak, more is needed there to prevent the spread than simply quarantining a few people that came home from there on military bases like the US is doing.
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