Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

1st one out.............. pipped & zipped in about an hour.

Still waiting on the others, maybe now they will have some encouragemnet.

Golden Comet hen x Black Silkie rooster

Candled again and there are still little moving chicks in there. The porous egg is candling clearish now, so I think I lost it. I bumped the thermostat and now I have to set the temperature again. 98 at the moment, so all is well and not too much harm done.
Didn't candle again but pulled one more oozing egg. I think the oozies may contaminate the rest, so I am not hopeful for this hatch. We shall see! I'll check them at lockdown. I'm thinking some contamination crept in by being in the same room with my brooder, as this is the first time I've ever had an oozy egg.

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