Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

Wanted to get these on here before I go to the cemetery.

My CNY Babies!

Chick #1 Silkie x AM? came from blue egg

Chick #2 from BCM egg

Chick #3 Silkie x AM? from blue egg

Chick #4 EE/ from blue egg

My bantam Wellies are due tomorrow. Was kind of hoping they'd hatch before I left today, but I'll be home tomorroe, so it's fine.

Lisa can you tell me what my babies are? I took them out front to show my neighbors and they went crazy over them. We all love chick #4. The oldest son was off work today and saw them and asked if they were for snacks. LOL

So nice to have eggs that hatch after PO Soccer!
The blue eggs are Arcaunas crossed with silkie.
Here's mama. The silkie boys I switched out every few days to make sure she would accept at least 1. The 3 in my avatar and my cuckoo roo.

Does the BCM have featherd shanks?
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I decided to help the little Russian Orloff out a bit as he had been trying forever. Got a damp, warm paper towel to hold him in, sneaked him out and made a zip for him around the egg, being careful not to puncture the membrane. Put him back in and in about a minute he busted out and now is running around with the guys that hatched this morning. Really fast on his feet and no blood or yoke in the shell. No cord either, so he was ready to come out, just got stuck. So glad I did the no-no and helped him. Bator only dropped a tiny bit and went right back up when I put him in. Whoot! 10 peeps now and more pipped. What a mix too.
Oh happy day!
That would be from Mr Copper the roo and Eddie. Both FBCM (if it didn't have feathered shanks I would say my BCM hen) either way, pure cause he's the only roo in with the FBCM/BCM hens.
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I love my FBCMs. You can never have too many.

I know I have some from the dozen I won at the Stockton show, but not sure if at the eggs are FBCMs or a mixture of Marans.

Can't wait to see what all they are. I also have 36 Cuckoos in there from Lotsapaints, so I'm a happy camper.

Still looking to add more though.

Now I need to find some more blue AMs and I should have ought the Bantam Lavs I saw at the show, but didn't want bantams. Now I do.
My sister called yesterday for my birthday and I told my 4 year old niece Willow, that we had chicks hatching.

I sent her an email with the pics and she's on the phone now with my 5 year old grand daughter Makayla, talking chickens.

I need to set some for a time I can get them out here overnight to watch.

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