Choose Your Favorite Chicken Breed

sounds good to me
Hello everyone and thanks for voting! Today is the day that I tally up the results for the June 2016 breed voting (a little late, sorry :/ ). The top three breeds from that list are as follows:
First Place: Easter Egger
Second Place: Barnevelder
Third Place: *tie* Cochin and Sicilian Buttercup
For the July list I have put together a list of the top two winners from each list. Because some of these were ties, there are more breeds on this list than on a normal list. The list of 12 breeds is as follows:
1. Orpington
2. Marans
3. Barred Rock
4. Mille Fluer d'Uccle
5. Silkie
6. Old English Game
7. Cochin Bantam
8. Sussex
9. Dominique
10. Faverolles
11. Easter Egger
12. Barnevelder
Please use the same voting format as before which is:
1. (Breed choice number one) ex. Orpington
2. (Breed choice number two) ex. Easter Egger
*However, because of the large amount of great breeds on this list, you can vote for three breeds. For your third choice format, do the same as 1 & 2. :) *
If you haven't voted before please read the first post on this thread that has all the rules.

I also continue to encourage you to give me suggestions for lists to come. This would be a big help! To suggest a breed(s) you can PM me or post it here on this thread. I have gotten one suggestion so far which will go on a breed list to come! :)

And one last thing before I go. The time that I would normally judge this list (July 31) is the day before our county fair, so I will be very busy moving my animals into fair, helping my mom with her 4-H club, helping club members, etc. So I can either judge this list early on July 24 or late on August 14. What do you guys think?

Keep the votes and suggestions coming,
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