Choosing a Chicken

Yes, some are more docile and people oriented if handled well when growing up. Of the breeds in my signature, wyandottes is the only one that I'm not sure is generally people oriented (likes being near me, but isn't much of a lap chicken). There are many others as well...
My three Light Brahmas have been "lap chickens" from the get-go. Very, very affectionate and docile. My Arcana is going on six years old, this is her third home, and is just recently becoming a "lap chicken". Of my five Wyandotte hens, only the Golden-laced is a "lap chicken".

Before I started keeping chickens less than two years ago, I wouldn't have believed you if you'd told me chickens can be more affectionate than kittens.
We have 4 Barred Rocks, and we have handled them from they were 3 day old chicks, when we got them almost a year ago.

They are very friendly and people oriented, and yes, they will be lap chickens (if they *have* to;) )

Very docile in their behavior, tho at times, if we're not quick enough to give them goodies, they will peck at our legs and try to fly up to the dish we're holding.

I would have more Barred Rocks in a heartbeat if we weren't under neighborhood restrictions....we LOVE these girls, and they're giving us on average 3 eggs a day....some days 4, then some days 2....big beautiful tan to mauve eggs!
my EE's are by far the most friendly of the chickens in my signature and i have a BR in the EE pen and shes pretty friendly my bantam EE's are good to but my bantam ameraucanas theyre ok but they could live without me manhandling them all the time

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