Chucks? Duckins?

Thank you for the very informative and helpful post.:thumbsup

A little bit of science for you because people can get a little confused about mules, ligers, etc.:

Ducks have 80 chromosomes
Chickens have 78 chromosomes

When their DNA (chromosomes) are being made in the egg, think of each one as one side of a zipper. When you zip up each side (80,78), they don’t match up. So you have an uneven zipper. I use this example because when DNA is forming in an embryo, it literally looks like a zipper. This means a baby will not form. I know this site is read a lot by people surfing the internet for answers, so I don’t want someone to get the impression they can try mating these two together and get offspring from them.

That being said, if you have more questions along the way please ask! Someone on here is bound to know the answer!:frow
Thanks for the very informative post. I hope that it is well received. Sometimes because things are posted on the internet people believe them to be true (ok a lot of times these days). Blogs can be helpful, but also hurtful in the info they deliver. Photos are taken for reality when anything in the photo can be altered. But, it's hard to argue with good old fashioned science. :)
Attached for your veiwing pleasure is my Rouen drake Marty McFly doing his special dance (the term my son uses for mating) with one of my hens. Now, he has his own mate, which he seems quite bonded to.

Is this common? Is it going to change her eggs? Are they Hatchable?

Edited: I just realized how weird a question Inasked. I started searching and read all the comments on this subject. It kinda makes me laugh.

Regardless, I’m more worried about my hens than the possibility of a hybrid chick. If anyone can help me on that I’d a ppreciste it. If not, I’ll keep an eye on my hens to see how they are doing, and my eggs to see if they are weird at all. And obviously, I’ll share any king of odd chick

As already stated before, it's not possible. Please separate them ASAP - we took on some hens from a neighbor after he'd had his drakes with his hens, assuming chickens and ducks could breed and he hadn't gotten any female ducks. (His extremely faulty logic was that he'd be able to breed hybrids and sell them.) The drakes ended up killing 2-3 of his chickens before we took them in. The video alone looks pretty bad for the chicken, but it can easily get a lot worse, especially during breeding season. Either re-home him or separate them and get him some more female ducks, but they can't stay really together. Chicks aren't possible and it's likely to end up in - at BEST - an injured hen during duck breeding season.
No, no, and no! Please separate the drake. Drake’s mating chicken hens is NOT meant to happen. Please separate them!

I just watched the video... you’ve been letting him mate with that hen already? Oh, dear. That’s not good. Just please separate them (to save your hen) :th
I just realized it that moment and grabbed my phone to show my husband. I haven’t been “letting” him.

He has a mate that he is very attached to. I just recently got two more ducks, but they are young still.

I’m a bit new to ducks. I had a pair of Rouen last year, but believe it or not, they flew away.

When is the mating season for my Randy little drake? I can keep him locked in another pen during this time.
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Breeding season for mallard derived ducks starts in early March and ends mid July or late July, when all the ducks molt. How old is this drake? If he is a mature drake and is still mating with the chickens when he has duck hens available then you might have to separate him from the chickens all the time.
Breeding season for mallard derived ducks starts in early March and ends mid July or late July, when all the ducks molt. How old is this drake? If he is a mature drake and is still mating with the chickens when he has duck hens available then you might have to separate him from the chickens all the time.
That’s a great post!
Hey all . So before I noticed my duck raping my poor hen, I found a wierd egg. I wasnt sure if it was a duck egg or a chicken egg. Usually it's obvious.

Today I remembered that egg. I usually package up and sell my eggs, but I held on to this one because it was odd. It's the one in the middle, the egg on the right is a chicken, the egg on the left is a duck. I keep cracked or odd eggs separate, so I still had it.

I was going to start i incubating some duck eggs (a first for me, do advice is appreciated. I've incubated Chicken eggs many times .)

I know you say is but curiosity killed the cat. I'm Little afraid of what everyone is going to say, it's so taboo


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