City of Ashes RP ~~Players Needed~~

Name: Alexis
Age: 15
Gender: female
Personality: leader of the two, she is more likely to speak to others
Mutation(no extra limbs, two max if they're both small ones):Ability to control and/or generate magnetic fields.
Other: City of Ashes identical twins, always stay together, can use bow and arrow but don't know much about hand-to-hand combat

Name: Leah
Age: 15
Gender: female
Personality: Quieter and more studious than her sister
Mutation(no extra limbs, two max if they're both small ones):Ability to control the weather.
Picture/Description: (same as Alexis
Other: City of Ashes

(Already accepted)
Autumn sat up, confused. She could remember nothing up to this point. There was a weight on her back, and she took it off so she could see it better. There was a quiver of arrows and a strung bow, with strangely familiar carvings and engravings on the wood. She slipped both back on her shoulder and looked around. There was a half-demolished green sign that said, 'Westbridge Falls, 1 mile' She was in a rocky clearing, with people on the ground next to her. They were all still, and she hurried over to one of the guys[Cable] and checked for a pulse. She heaved a sigh of relief as she felt a small thudding under her fingers. She could see, off in the distance, a handful of ruined buildings. She sat down next to the guy and waited for the others to wake up.
Leah stirred and blinked her eyes open. She slowly sat up and looked around, seeing Autumn up. She turned back around at a soft groan from beside her.
Alexis groaned and sat up next to Leah, looking around the rocky clearing. "What Happened?" She asked softly.
The twins looked at each other, both wore jeans and tees, and both had a bow and quiver of arrows.
Thud, thud, thud...
The blood pounding in her ears was all Silva could hear. Her head felt like is was on fire she couldn't discern one thing from another, there was too much noise!
She struggled to open her eyes, everything was blurry and hazy. She lifted her hand to rub her eyes and her fingers traced long hair...since when did she have long hair? As things slowly came into focus, she saw there were others around her and Silva's mind snapped to attention. Who were these people? Where was she? How did she get there?!
She instinctively reached to the scabbard on her back where her hand met the familiar handle of her sword. Her sword...
Resisting the urge to draw it, she studied the others around her...some were lying, unconscious on the ground, she hoped they weren't dead. There were two girls, just waking up, and for a moment Silva thought she was seeing double. They looked identical! But no, they moved individually and their demeanor were much differen
The other girl was sitting alert and staring at her. She was armed with a bow, as were the twins...not good if Silva had to run. By the way the girls balanced their equipment Silva could tell they knew how to use those bows...but they didn't look like they wanted to hurt her...
The boy on the ground next to her was string...
Silva's throat was so dry but she managed to croak, "Where are we? Who...who are you?"
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