
Free Ranging
15 Years
Mar 19, 2009
Two people asked me to email them some information on how to control CL. I told them I had to send it by snail mail because the paper I had written was on a computer with no internet access. Evidently they were uncomfortable sending me their snail mail because I never heard back from them. However, I do have a condensed form of the paper that has all the relevant information on it that I can email because it is on this computer. I forgot I had it. If they will get back to me I can send it to them after all.
Two people asked me to email them some information on how to control CL. I told them I had to send it by snail mail because the paper I had written was on a computer with no internet access. Evidently they were uncomfortable sending me their snail mail because I never heard back from them. However, I do have a condensed form of the paper that has all the relevant information on it that I can email because it is on this computer. I forgot I had it. If they will get back to me I can send it to them after all.
What? This is a place for asking questions about poultry...
Two people asked me to email them some information on how to control CL. I told them I had to send it by snail mail because the paper I had written was on a computer with no internet access. Evidently they were uncomfortable sending me their snail mail because I never heard back from them. However, I do have a condensed form of the paper that has all the relevant information on it that I can email because it is on this computer. I forgot I had it. If they will get back to me I can send it to them after all.
I'm confused
What? This is a place for asking questions about poultry...
According to whom? This may be a surprise to you, but if you will notice, people ask about all sorts of things that have nothing whatever to do with poultry. Right now there are threads about rabbits, dogs, cats, and goats. Last time I checked rabbits, goats, dogs, or cats were not poultry.
I'm confused
I will try to unconfuse you. Two people asked me to email them some information I had that they thought would be helpful. I could not email it to them at that time but I can now. Assuming, that is, I knew where to send it. I lost their names so I cannot contact them directly. I made this post hoping they would see it and get back to me. Since I don't know who they are this is the only way I could think of to reach them. Got it?
I will try to unconfuse you. Two people asked me to email them some information I had that they thought would be helpful. I could not email it to them at that time but I can now. Assuming, that is, I knew where to send it. I lost their names so I cannot contact them directly. I made this post hoping they would see it and get back to me. Since I don't know who they are this is the only way I could think of to reach them. Got it?
OHHH! I was wondering why someone was asking about an email on a thread
According to whom? This may be a surprise to you, but if you will notice, people ask about all sorts of things that have nothing whatever to do with poultry. Right now there are threads about rabbits, dogs, cats, and goats. Last time I checked rabbits, goats, dogs, or cats were not poultry.
I know that (I asked a question about my cat here) but I meant that this is a place where you talk MOSTLY about poultry and other animals. Also FEMALE rabbits,goats,dogs and cats all have eggs so they are poultry ;)
Failed general biology?
Nope (but I think you did)! But look from a google search

Do cats have eggs?:
Both sexes have a pair of sexual organs or gonads (ovaries or testes), the main functions of which are to produce eggs or sperm, respectively, and hormones.

Do dogs have eggs?:
There is a tremendous variability in the maturation age between breeds, and even within a breed of dog. 1. Proestrus, in which eggs in the ovaries begin to mature and estrogen levels begin to rise, is the first stage of the reproductive cycle. During this stage females, though non-receptive, attract males.

Do goats have eggs?:
Most goat breeds are prolific, and mature females shed more than one egg when ovulating. .The ovaries are the primary sex organ and produce the ova (eggs) and secrete the female reproductive hormones (i.e. progesterone and estrogen). The oviducts transport the ova to the uterus and are the site of fertilization.

Do rabbits have eggs?: No :( you were only correct on this one

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