Cleaning coop after coccidiosis - what to do?


5 Years
Jun 9, 2014
I have another thread going about my sick chick, but I need to know what to do with the coop. I found this article:

If you have to have chicks where adults have been, bleach all surfaces and paint any wood inside and out as cocci can live in damp porous wood.

Bleaching and painting and wooden surfaces your birds come into contact with. Insides of chicken coups and tractors. It soaks into wood and wet bedding where waters leak and spill.

Obviously I need to throw away all the bedding (pine shavings), scrub it down and bleach it. My question is will a bleach solution be enough to kill off any coccidiosis in there? How strong of a bleach solution?

Do I need to repaint as well? I'm guessing the article is talking about bare wood, but this is so scary I don't want to take any chances. The interior of my coop is already painted with high-gloss latex paint (2-3 coats).

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