clipping wings

Why would you need to? Clipping wings is generally used to restrain them to an enclosure, not used for free range birds. You haven't even said what species they are. ;)
Yes, the question is why you might want to. If they are staying in the area you want them to, don’t. If they are flying over a fence to get somewhere you don’t want them to go, it might be a good idea.

If you do clip them, don’t take all the feather off. Just take the tips of the outside 10 flight feathers of one wing off a little and see if that solves the problem. If not, take a little more off. The more of the feathers you can leave on and keep them from flying over a fence the more mobility they have if they need to escape a predator.
Ok kewl. .ty guys for the advice
this is a picture of one of them. I don't know what she is. Some say they are old English Banty? I might have spelled it wrong.

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