Clover and wild strawberry?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Can the chicks have those? and at what age? Both grow in abundance all around the outside of the house. We don't use chemicals of any kind on our yard and these grow close to the house where my other animals don't tread. I don't want to feed them the wild berries, just the strawberry leaves.
My chickens love, love, LOVE clover!! They about trample each other trying to get it when I pull some out of my front lawn to give it to them. I don't see any ill effects from it. Not sure about the wild strawberry, however...we're not as fortunate as you and don't have that available here.
Well, being originally from NC, I was gonna say that...but I figured maybe catawba county was special or sumthin'

hens, at what age can I start giving them just a little?
My girls were not interested in any green stuff until they hit about 2 weeks...but they loved boiled and scrambled eggs at 3 or 4 days old.

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