*Clovers and Cottontails* A Wild Rabbit RP

Dandylion bursts into the plain walking as fast as he can without hurting himself. he makes it to the burrows and just lays down.
Nate saw him come in. "Wait!" He yelled, running over to the rabbit. "You're not dead? You're alive?! Just wait till Alethea hears this!" He ran into her burrow to find her and Moon Mist. Nate had seen the eagle attack and had heard about Alethea's sudden blindness though Rosemary. "Lay!" He exclaimed. Alethea shrunk back suddenly. "N- Nate?" She asked, wearily. "Yes! Yes! I'm sorry to scare you, but the rabbit that got snatched by the eagle? He's here! And he's alive!" "What? He's really- but how?" "I don't know! But I just wanted to tell you." "Thank you, Nate." She said, quietly. "Do you want to speak with him?" Alethea paused and was silent for quite a while. "No. Thank you, though. Moon Mist, do you have any ideas of how I handle this?" Nate realized that Althea was struggling very much. He wanted to go talk with Rosemary. He left, silently.

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