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Since there has been discussion about possibly partnering with pet supply/feed stores, one suggestion I have is possibly replace the scratch with something like scratch and peck food, if it comes to the point of partnering. At least then there would be better nutrition and the park can continue the interactive/fund raising aspect. It may be putting the cart before the horse, but thought I'd throw this in, as it occurs to me. ( before I forget, lol)
Sounds like some one forgot that Chickens are "live stock" and not pets. These chickens get to live out their normal life span so this is an oasis for them.
I don't believe worms, lice infestations, sour crop, bumblefoot, etc. is a normal life. Not to mention the rat overpopulation, which not only endangers the chickens, but is a health concern for the visitors as well.
I don't believe worms, lice infestations, sour crop, bumblefoot, etc. is a normal life. Not to mention the rat overpopulation, which not only endangers the chickens, but is a health concern for the visitors as well.
You mean live a normal natural farm style life? There has been no evidence presented of worm/lice infestations, sour crop or Bumblefoot. And video of mice running in a park area near a stream is not unusual. This sounds like someone who has an axe to grind with the museum. Which to me, lessens her credibility. Is she being a disgruntled ex-employee? Is she a disgruntled applicant that didn’t get hired? This is a public park that is also historic, however it seems she will only be satisfied when the entire operation is shut down. Then the city of Golden will lose a valuable asset as will the residents.
You mean live a normal natural farm style life? There has been no evidence presented of worm/lice infestations, sour crop or Bumblefoot. And video of mice running in a park area near a stream is not unusual. This sounds like someone who has an axe to grind with the museum. Which to me, lessens her credibility. Is she being a disgruntled ex-employee? Is she a disgruntled applicant that didn’t get hired? This is a public park that is also historic, however it seems she will only be satisfied when the entire operation is shut down. Then the city of Golden will lose a valuable asset as will the residents.

Oh my
You mean live a normal natural farm style life? There has been no evidence presented of worm/lice infestations, sour crop or Bumblefoot. And video of mice running in a park area near a stream is not unusual. This sounds like someone who has an axe to grind with the museum. Which to me, lessens her credibility. Is she being a disgruntled ex-employee? Is she a disgruntled applicant that didn’t get hired? This is a public park that is also historic, however it seems she will only be satisfied when the entire operation is shut down. Then the city of Golden will lose a valuable asset as will the residents, all because ONE senseless, ridiculous and foolish person wanted her 15 seconds of unmitigated vengeance. aka as stated earlier in this thread "crazy chicken lady".
Completely agree. This person is going so far as to video these birds and attempt to "collect evidence" to use against the park, exactly the way an animal rights terrorist would. What"s next?
Frankly, I question the legality of the recording and constantly hanging around the place for the sole purpose of making trouble for park employees. Yes, the rodents could pose a problem, but I have also had rodent problems at times. It happens in even the most well managed places, and there is no evidence that the rodent problem is NOT being addressed, that is also an assumption.
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