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I will try to press for improvement. Milk already spilled to lets make lemonade.
Maybe I could get them to train chickens like I do so they can demonstrate some interesting behaviors. Once rodent issue is resolved that could have a broody hen rear chicks so public can see that. Most people I teach about chickens have not seen a great deal of what chickens do, even when some have kept them for many years or even make a living off them. Many have seen things but either did not notice or understand the relevance of the behaviors. Chickens are really cool dinosaurs!
Mostly, yes. Though it might also convince the caretakers of the museum that they really do need to do something about their poor health. And, if it does come to it, it would be helpful to be able to show this to the Humane Society.
The end content is a concern, which is why @HensSweetHens friend on the inside is likely reluctant to assist.
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If memory serves, I asked about the Public Entity/ Museum/ Park.
My apologies if I was out of line in asking.

My intention was to clarify their "mission" as a Living History Museum, if in fact, they were what the OP was referring to.
This matters when considering what is or might be going on relative to how "exhibits" are maintained, relative to any given era.

This entire thread can be seen in so many ways, but understanding the mission of the museum/park really ought to be taken into account IMSHO.
Your request was made with pure intent in a genuine effort for clarity, which was helpful.
I have no issue with you or your asking. I want to be completely clear on that.:) My only concern is the name being in public view in light of the discussion that's transpired.
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So I’ll ask again @HensSweetHens have you talked with the Humane society?

Good morning everyone! And Happy New Year!

MissChick@dee, thanks so much for your post! No I haven't yet. As to "Why?" - partially because since I've partnered with the kind volunteer I keep mentioning, it's been only about two months and since then my friend has been trying to write emails to the admin at the museum. So, we're still trying to act in good-faith about all this and give time/chance to the chicken caretakers to realize that there is a need for changes. We also have been working with a veterinarian who has seen the issues but preferred to not get involved. (I am not not from the US, and so I didn't know till recently that organizations, such as Humane Society, Animal control, etc. can help with that)
The other reason is being careful - so not to cause anyone involved or the museum chicken program more harm (I've heard that over and over, so I am trying to listen advice given). In other words just being careful. But to be honest, I am torn as to the approach still, because while right now the other 11 birds are getting by alright, I fear there will come another gruesome time when unnecessary suffering will be overlooked due to other priorities. Those 7 birds died because of health issues that could've been helped in at least a small way and/or should not have been allowed to continue, IMO.
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