Cocci getting worse?

Blood in the stools indicate possible necrotic enteritis, inflammation of the intestinal lining. It requires a sulfa antibiotic for chicks to recover, and even still, some won't. It's a life threatening issue. You may need to find a vet to help you get this med.
Blood in the stools indicate possible necrotic enteritis, inflammation of the intestinal lining. It requires a sulfa antibiotic for chicks to recover, and even still, some won't. It's a life threatening issue. You may need to find a vet to help you get this med.
:( I contacted the nearest vet (1hr and 30 mins away) a few days ago and they didnt give me a call.
Blood in the stools indicate possible necrotic enteritis, inflammation of the intestinal lining. It requires a sulfa antibiotic for chicks to recover, and even still, some won't. It's a life threatening issue. You may need to find a vet to help you get this med.
This is usually in adult chickens?
Some coccidia species, not all nine of them, will chew away at the intestinal lining. This causes the bleeding and also inflammation. That invites bacteria to colonize and grow, and this will eventually kill the chick or chicken. If allowed to go too long without treatment with a sulfa antibiotic, the chick or chicken often dies.

In Europe and Asia, many of their coccidiostats contain this antibiotic so it's covered. In the US, because of the rampant misuse of antibiotics by commercial animal food operations, it's now outlawed unless you have a prescription. Or buy fish or pigeon antibiotics at that link .

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