Cocci help please! UPDATE:Now have bloated crop!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 30, 2010
So I had a dead hen yesterday, they are about 4.5 mos old, and after inspecting the coop and yard I found a few bloody/watery poops. I have started treating their water with sulmet and talked to a friend that said I should treat their food with decoccs as well. Any interaction I should worry about? I was told the only way to rid a flock of cocci was to treat very aggresively otherwise I could lose them all fairly quickly. Please help! Thanks in advance!
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Call this number and tell them what has happened. They sell all kinds of supplies and are really really nice. He might have something that would help.
614 595 8608
Good luck and so sorry for your loss!
Thank you, tho that's not local for me, I'm in MA. Anyone else have any ideas or thoughts?
Anyone? I don't wanna OD them...I gave them some yogurt to help but unsure what else to do, found more bloody poos a lil bit ago! Help please!
Ok so now I have 3 out of 14 that have very large bloated feeling crops, is this normal after giving yogurt?? How much should I have given them? I gave them a bowl of about 8 oz that they all went CRAZY for, did they just stuff themselves with yogurt or...? Please help, I don't know what the heck I'm doing here!
Hey there. I don't know what to tell you about the yogurt but I know what it's like to post and feel all alone.

I am pretty new to chickens and dealing with some cocci myself so I thought I'd post a link that I found very informative.

For myself, I happen to have both Corid (Amprolium) and Sulmet on hand so I am starting with the Corid since it's gentler to their systems. If that doesn't work after doing the full course we'll switch over to the Sulmet. Are they on layer feed or still on the grower? The feeds that are medicated are laced with the same stuff as Corid from what I understand and while helpful, won't treat sick birds. It's a preventative but if your friend said to treat their food that might be a good way to do it.

I'd suggest you keep a close eye on them and make sure everyone is eating and drinking. If they're not then obviously they won't be getting the meds. I have one who decided she didnt feel like drinking any water so I used a syringe and dribbled some into her beak. She was eating and drinking today so the medicine must have helped a little bit. If you do this make sure you're only dribbling small amounts into the front of her beak and not too much or she'll aspirate it and you'll have a whole other set of issues!

Hope you get more answers and that your birds all recover swiftly.
You're doing fine, mamaluv. Stop worrying about the full crop. They probably just overate, which is absolutely harmless with yogurt. The only time you really need to worry about a full crop that doesn't seem to go down overnight is when they've been free ranging. Grass is probably the #1 cause of impacted crop. Keep them off the grass and getting good "invalid food" like yogurt, cooked eggs, and their commercial feed - they'll be right as rain in no time.
Thanks ladies, I was kinda freakin out when I first noticed the bloated crops (the first one was HUGE, like the size of my hand and super squishy). I've also added a few tbl spoons of acv to their water, which they really seem to like! Seriously, started gulping it down once they tasted it. Today I only fed them yogurt in the morning, and their grower pellet in the afternoon, gonna see how that seems to have worked. Again, thanks a ton ladies!!

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