Coccidiosis or something else? [photos]

i can try oral corid too. I do not have horses anymore so no horse dewormers onhand. i did deworm her with valbazen 4 days ago. Her poos today are little green squirts. She is also doing a new thing today. she doesn't really want to walk around but she will stand. while standing she is stretching her legs out behind her a lot. It reminds me of a horse kicking at their belly when they have a belly ache. Although she isn't kicking so much as reaching backwards. I have been feeling around the meaty area behind her legs and under her tail to see if it is painful there and she doesn't react at all. Heading off to feed store to get antibiotics, then walmart for buttermilk. Was waiting for sleet to stop be hasn't so im driving out in it anyway. don't have far to go.
p.s. Thanks Kathy for keeping up with me

Winnie stretching:

She just got her second dose of penicillin. she's alert but weak. Standing more than lying down. But still stretching legs a lot. Not interested in eating but seems to be drinking a lot of water. I was able to get a little mashed up food in her this morning. Gonna try again in a few hours.
So far today I'm seeing improvement: Hen is alert and on her feet. Not doing that weird constant leg stretching as much. Nibbling at food. Still drinking a lot of fluids.
What is the best thing to be feeding her right now? I've been offering her a little bit of everything. I've been using buttermilk as a probiotic but she isn't taking it straight so I am mixing it into her drinking water and the mash I made. I know Penicillin can do a number on the good bacteria in her gut. I just hope she's getting enough. Will be giving 3rd dose of penicillin at noon.
Are there any foods a sick one shouldn't have right now? I am making a mash by soaking pellets in water and buttermilk for a couple of hours. once the pellets soak up all the moisture I mix in hard boiled egg yolks and a little applesauce then fluff with a fork to make a soft crumble. She is eating that fairly well today along with a little tomato. I want to feed her solids without them being too dry or hard to digest. trying to force feed her yesterday was not very successful so im glad she has an appetite today. since she is an ameraucana she doesn't have wattles to tug on to get her beak open. I was pulling on her beard which didn't really help much because it is not really attached to her lower jaw. oh how she struggled! not fun.
If you are treating this bird with Corid for possible coccidiosis then I would not be giving buttermilk at the same time. Buttermilk coats the intestines and may actually prevent the Corid from doing it's job as well as it would otherwise. I would wait and give the buttermilk after you've completed the course of treatment with the Corid.
Today, hen is much improved. good appetite. very alert (and noisey). more solid poops. I put her down in the yard this morning she was busy and scratching like she should. only now also eating dirt/mud. why is that? should I be concerned?

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