Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

Peppermint from Amy hatched 5 chicks the other day. Fingers crossed for 3 of them to be frizzled.

And peppermints oldest chick of this years hatching

These are 2 cockerels from my Mill Fleur project I'm watching closely. I don't think I will have to worry so much about type on these boys but more for pattern. At least that's what I'm really hoping


Such Cute Babies. I can't wait for my first batch of eggs to hatch next week. There are 14 Mille Fleur and 3 mottled eggs still going strong. I'm hoping for a rainbow colored hatch. :) Then I will be setting the dozen mottled eggs I am getting from Amy next week. This summer is going to be fun with all these chicks about. My kids and I are so excited.
Peppermint from Amy hatched 5 chicks the other day. Fingers crossed for 3 of them to be frizzled.

And peppermints oldest chick of this years hatching

These are 2 cockerels from my Mill Fleur project I'm watching closely. I don't think I will have to worry so much about type on these boys but more for pattern. At least that's what I'm really hoping



Oh, man!!! I wanted Peppermint! She was my second favorite FCB (after my baby Snoodle).
I hope you enjoy her!!! =)
Peppermint from Amy hatched 5 chicks the other day. Fingers crossed for 3 of them to be frizzled.

And peppermints oldest chick of this years hatching

These are 2 cockerels from my Mill Fleur project I'm watching closely. I don't think I will have to worry so much about type on these boys but more for pattern. At least that's what I'm really hoping


Mike! I am so glad to see you still have Peppermint doing so well!
She was always considered one of my little beauties that I hated parting with but I am so glad she has done well for you. Look at her giving you such special babies! Warms my heart to see the generations roll on from some of my birds. You are making such beautiful offspring with all of yours!

I can't believe you have had her about 2 years now! Amazing! Where has the time gone! Awwww!

Thanks Amy. She has been really good here and is good with all the young birds that go in with her. These are the first chicks she hatched herself but has dealt with many pullets and cockerels go in and out of her pen. I'm still crossing my fingers for a frizzle cockerel like some of the ons you've had but right now I'm just enjoying what I get and hold on to those that would fit in here well. I agree, it doesn't seem like 2 years either.
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