Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

frizzles some cochin below were the mom and grand ma of the yellow chick.

this one's the mom, LOVE my mutts!!!!
by the way black cochin bantams...
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frizzles some cochin below were the mom and grand ma of the yellow chick.

this one's the mom, LOVE my mutts!!!!
by the way black cochin bantams...

I am glad you love your mutts. You want to smack me you better be right.

I say that because those chicks do meet the DQ criteria for the breed.

Vulture Hocks - BARE MIDDLE and or /or outer toe - Bottoms of feet showing complete absence of yellow in all varieties - Shanks and toes of a color other than hereinafter described under the particular variety.
I get what your saying Mixes can be great. I have Frizzled Easter Egger Eggs on Order. Can't wait to see what I get for my layer flock. However I also understand what others are saying too this is supposed to be a Cochin Bantam and Frizzle Cochin Bantam page, not a Frizzle mix page or even a Standard Cochin page so posting chicks other that Bantam Cochins is frowned upon. I would not dream of posting my Frizzled EE chicks here and will probably create a page for them because they are sure to be fun and interesting just like your chicks are. I truely don't think any insult was intended, but I come to this page for information about and to see other's Bantam Cochins.
Cheers and good luck with your babies,
Julie :)

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