Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

Wht colour ?
Would Isabelle be considered the same as Self Blue and Lavender? If not explain how they differ.

Self- Blue is supposed to be the "correct" term to describe a lavender bird. It gets confusing because some breeds are commonly referred to as Lavenders (Orpingtons and Silkies, for example). Cochins are usually referred to as self-blue. The gene responsible for the color is called Lavender which is why, in my opinion, they should all be called lavender. Anyway, lol lavender and self-blue are the same color.

My understanding is, where the self-blue/lavender and Isabell color differ is that a self-blue is solid colored. An Isabell does have the lavender gene and color, but like you see in the pic posted earlier of the birds, they have that pretty 2 toned look. This Isabell color is lavender diluting red/gold genes to give the cream colored appearance along with the lavender.
I don't have Isabells but I do have self-blues so that's what I've gathered from researching them :) I'm hoping someone much more knowledgable on the subject can jump in and explain better than I can
Self- Blue is supposed to be the "correct" term to describe a lavender bird. It gets confusing because some breeds are commonly referred to as Lavenders (Orpingtons and Silkies, for example). Cochins are usually referred to as self-blue. The gene responsible for the color is called Lavender which is why, in my opinion, they should all be called lavender. Anyway, lol lavender and self-blue are the same color.

My understanding is, where the self-blue/lavender and Isabell color differ is that a self-blue is solid colored. An Isabell does have the lavender gene and color, but like you see in the pic posted earlier of the birds, they have that pretty 2 toned look. This Isabell color is lavender diluting red/gold genes to give the cream colored appearance along with the lavender.
I don't have Isabells but I do have self-blues so that's what I've gathered from researching them :) I'm hoping someone much more knowledgable on the subject can jump in and explain better than I can

That's pretty much my understanding also. Certain breeds usually call it lavender, and other breeds call it self-blue, but basically the same. I had a self-blue Slate turkey. I'm planning to get self-blue OEGB's, but I have lavender orpingtons! LOL I have blue cochins, but I think just blue, not self-blue.

There is a genetic difference between the blue that comes from blue/black/splash genes and lavender genes, but I can't explain it enough to make sense. Lavenders and self-blues carry 2 copies of the lavender gene. I know nothing on the Isabell side.
Oh are the legs ever feathered he and yes darn it I am afraid since I see little waddle coming in ugh but he looks like he is wearing fringe chaps lol so sweet he is just so adorable but can't have roos here in Claremore ok. I was trying to find a way to show video he is so spazzy I have a fun video. ButI will find new home for him along with his silkie buddy that is a roo also no luck for me so I will be very picky who gets them. I am feeling comfortable picking a place to try my first ordering 15to 20 chicks especially having this forum backing up with any questions. I will try someplace local since Ok seems to have a few places.

I'm in Verdigris! This is our first year raising chickens, we have 7 (4 Cochins from Lee's in Catoosa). We ended up with one roo in our Cochins, but luckily aren't in city limits. I'm on my phone, we'll see if my pics upload.

King Minion (yes, our kids named them, lol)

His Queen Elsa

And our two newest, they are a couple weeks younger.



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