Cochin breeding, genetics, and showing

personally, when I see birds that "require" double breeding, I wonder which would be preferable... IMO, you are NOT going to have a flock of roos around, but you will have a flock of hens. so IMO it's the hens that need to display the variety to their best. LOL

in the case of the colored dorking, i'm planning (someday when I have breeding pens finished and the predator issue under control) to start working with them again, and see if I can 'reengineer' the variety to meet sop somewhat, as well as breed true. in this case though i'm going to work on a roo that breeds true and whatever hen matches him.
It's not actually a matter of flocks of one sex or the other, you need both and according to the "old timers" they both must be bred. You can't get one without the other.
It baffles me a bit i must admit. There seem to be enough problems with getting people to breed these varieties, and then to add salt to the wounds, you are doubling the amount of birds(feed/space) needed to produce both lines.

The Partridge Brahma people i have spoken to here insist it is possible to breed SQ cocks and hens from one line. I havent seen any of these pens yet though and people are rather cagey when i ask them if i can come by and see their stock, even after i explain that i am only breeding cochin bantams!

That aside, who would you approach to try and rectify this? I dont want the Standards here re-written, just modified. In Germany i believe birds with ground colour in their chest are allowable, in Holland they are a DQ.

Maybe an amendment would be the place to start? I am off to email a whole lot of people and see what can be done here.
I've heard breeders say that same thing over here, but I also have never seen it. Sometimes I wonder if a really good bird of one of those varieties isn't actually an accident.
What do you guys think about these roosters
I was given an absolutely stunning barred rock Cochin roo and a red sex link hen. He was my first cochin. I ended up hatching 4 of their eggs and they are now my favorite chickens. I'm new to chickens and am now starting on learning some of the genetics. I am a little confused at the feather coloring on these chicks. Out of the Barred rock/red sex link combo, all the chicks are white. There appears to be no color and they are almost fully feathered out at 5 weeks old. Is that normal? I also have chicks from a australorp Cochin/white rock combo and those chicks are creamy pinkish colored.
I was given an absolutely stunning barred rock Cochin roo and a red sex link hen. He was my first cochin. I ended up hatching 4 of their eggs and they are now my favorite chickens. I'm new to chickens and am now starting on learning some of the genetics. I am a little confused at the feather coloring on these chicks. Out of the Barred rock/red sex link combo, all the chicks are white. There appears to be no color and they are almost fully feathered out at 5 weeks old. Is that normal? I also have chicks from a australorp Cochin/white rock combo and those chicks are creamy pinkish colored.
no way to know what mutations are hidden in different breeds... pretty sure red sexlinks also carry white but not 100% sure.

btw, it wouldn't be a barred rock cochin unless he's a mix of barred rock and cochin... otherwise he's just barred. (rocks are another breed).
I was given an absolutely stunning barred rock Cochin roo and a red sex link hen. He was my first cochin. I ended up hatching 4 of their eggs and they are now my favorite chickens. I'm new to chickens and am now starting on learning some of the genetics. I am a little confused at the feather coloring on these chicks. Out of the Barred rock/red sex link combo, all the chicks are white. There appears to be no color and they are almost fully feathered out at 5 weeks old. Is that normal? I also have chicks from a australorp Cochin/white rock combo and those chicks are creamy pinkish colored.
My gold sex links carry one copy of the dominant white gene which masks black, but not red/gold coloring. Bred to a Black Ameraucana, I got 1/2 Black and 1/2 White chicks. The White males developed gold in their hackles and saddles as they matured.
I'm thinking of getting a few cochin (standard sized not bantam) for showing, does anyone have what they should "ideally" look like?
also ive seen hatcheries like cackle and murray mcmurray that say their cochins are "purebred" is this true? i was thinking of getting them from cackle but if they arent purebred im not even going to try

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